

error reading control file

Laura Wise, modified 1 Year ago.

error reading control file

Youngling Posts: 4 Join Date: 6/19/18 Recent Posts

Hello, I'm trying to setup a model with selectivity blocks (time varying) but something is wrong and I can't really figure it out.

When I use the SS_read() function it gives me some indications but I believe that the issue is with reading the file itself. 

It seems that it is reading the wrong inputs. 

I attach the files so that you can test it.

I would appreciate your help.



Use_2D_AR1_selectivity,i=1092 ;-4
TG_custom,i=1093 ;4
Error in 1:ctllist[["N_tag_groups"]] : argument of length 0
Richard Methot, modified 1 Year ago.

RE: error reading control file

Youngling Posts: 222 Join Date: 11/24/14 Recent Posts

Hi Laura,

Thanks for posting your question here so that other users can learn from the situation.

You were trying to debug using the SS_read() function, which does not have as complete a set of debugging tools as SS3 itself.  Whenever I get a input file read error I always start by opening echoinput.sso  in my text editor and scrolling down input the echoed input starts to not make sense.  Actually, I usually scroll up from the bottom.

In this case I see it echoing back the selectivity parameters correctly then it shows a value of "-4" for the 2DAR switch.  That is wrong and everything after that is garbled.

The problem is that you included block parameters starting with the line with the "-4", but earlier in the selectivity parameters you did not include a request for use of blocks with any of those parameters.  So, you just need to add the block value (1) and your desired block function (aka block type) for the three selectivity parameters that will use blocks.

I also noticed that the block year ranges ended in 2022.  This means that the model will revert to the base parameter value for the forecast.  You may want.  If not, put 9999 for the end year and SS3 will replace it with the end year of the forecast.

Rick & SS3 Team 

Laura Wise, modified 1 Year ago.

RE: error reading control file

Youngling Posts: 4 Join Date: 6/19/18 Recent Posts

Thank you very much for your quick reply. 

I tried the SS_read() function after looking at the file. That's how i knew that it was something about the block parameters.

Unfortunately i couldn't make up by myself what the issue was.

I haven't thought much about the forecast so for the time being i did it like this.

