

Model crash after successful read of input

Laura Lee, modified 1 Year ago.

Model crash after successful read of input

Youngling Posts: 95 Join Date: 3/31/16 Recent Posts

Hi all,


I am using SS v3.30.22. The output in the command prompt suggests all the input files have been read correctly but then it crashes and gives the following error:

lower index greater than upper index in dvar_vector:: dvar-vector(const predvar_vector&)

I would appreciate any assistance in diagnosing the problem. All the input files are attached.






Chantel Wetzel, modified 1 Year ago.

RE: Model crash after successful read of input

Youngling Posts: 32 Join Date: 10/7/15 Recent Posts

Hi Laura,


The model fails due to the input years inside the recruitment deviation set-up in the control file. The specified first year and last year of main recruitment estimation needs to fall within the start and years of the model specified at the top of the data file.  Currently, both of the start and end years are before and after the model years.  Additionally, the bias adjustment years should also fall within the model years.  Once these years are changed, the model runs but runs into other input issues with information output in the warning file.  I will let you work through those on your own.

I determined that the recruitment deviation section was the problem by opening the echoinput file which shows the last thing the model successfully checks prior to crashing was the SR section.  This indicated to me that the issue likely was in the next section in the control file being checked with is the recruitment set-up section.  Often when you get one of these errors where the files are read correctly but the model crashes is because a value being specified does not make sense in the context of the model set-up (years of recruitment estimation falling outside of the specified model years).  

Hopefully, this is helpful.


Chantel Wetzel



Laura Lee, modified 1 Year ago.

RE: Model crash after successful read of input

Youngling Posts: 95 Join Date: 3/31/16 Recent Posts

Thanks so much, Chantel! This is a big help. I really appreciate you taking the time to look at my files.






From: Chantel Wetzel <>
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2024 3:54 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Stock Synthesis - SS usage questions] Model crash after successful read of input



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Hi Laura,


The model fails due to the input years inside the recruitment deviation set-up in the control file. The specified first year and last year of main recruitment estimation needs to fall within the start and years of the model specified at the top of the data file.  Currently, both of the start and end years are before and after the model years.  Additionally, the bias adjustment years should also fall within the model years.  Once these years are changed, the model runs but runs into other input issues with information output in the warning file.  I will let you work through those on your own.

I determined that the recruitment deviation section was the problem by opening the echoinput file which shows the last thing the model successfully checks prior to crashing was the SR section.  This indicated to me that the issue likely was in the next section in the control file being checked with is the recruitment set-up section.  Often when you get one of these errors where the files are read correctly but the model crashes is because a value being specified does not make sense in the context of the model set-up (years of recruitment estimation falling outside of the specified model years).  

Hopefully, this is helpful.


Chantel Wetzel



Chantel Wetzel Stock Synthesis Virtual Lab Forum