

SS3 github repos renaming on Dec 4

Richard Methot, modified 1 Year ago.

SS3 github repos renaming on Dec 4

Youngling Posts: 222 Join Date: 11/24/14 Recent Posts

On December 4, 2023, we will be moving the nmfs-stock-synthesis organization over to the NOAA Fisheries GitHub Enterprise Cloud (GHEC) account under the nmfs-ost organization. The nmfs-stock-synthesis repositories and the documentation site will be down on December 4th as we migrate over to GHEC.

Additionally, the repository names will add ss3 to the beginning of each name (e.x. ss3-source-code, ss3-test-models, etc.) so that the repos belonging to stock synthesis will be easily identifiable under the nmfs-ost org. It will likely take us a few days to ensure that all links are updated with the new org and repo names, so we appreciate your patience during this time. Come December 15th, if you find a link that isn't working, please submit an issue and we will promptly fix it.

We ask that you go ahead and update any bookmarks that you have saved to the new github org/repo link and to the new site. GitHub does provide an automatic redirect when the names of repositories change so you should initially still be taken to the new url even using the previous url. We will be creating a redirect for the site to allow a similar thing to happen with that (though this only persists only for however long we retain the old org/repo name).

Please feel free to email if you have any further questions or concerns about the upcoming move to GHEC.