

SS released 2017-09-29

Richard Methot, modified 5 Years ago.

SS released 2017-09-29

Youngling Posts: 222 Join Date: 11/24/14 Recent Posts

Stock Synthesis executables for version dated 2017-09-29 are available for 64-bit Windows.  Soon we will get the update for OS X and Linux uploaded.

Sorry about the bug in the just released  Now fixed in

The good news is that this gives me a chance to tell you about the new output file, ss_summary.sso.

ss_summary.sso is designed to put key model outputs all in one concise place.  It is organized as a list.  At the top are some descriptors.  Then the likelihoods for each component, then the parameters and their standard errors, then the derived quantities and their standard errors.  We created this output to make it easy to compare the results as we update the code, but we think it will find plenty of other uses also.

The SS 3.30 Change Log, which is available in the Document Library, has more information.   We updated the user manual to reflect these changes.

At the top of the current to-do list are:

  • change tagging parameters to use a much more concise design matrix approach
  • add F0.1 to the Benchmark and Forecast code
  • add a constant recruitment option to forecast
  • develop controls for bycatch fleets so they can be managed better in Benchmark and Forecast

 Please post about any Stock Synthesis 3.30 issues in the Stock Synthesis 3.30 forums

Please contact the NOAA VLab administrators at to change your username or password, or for other VLab issues

Richard Methot, modified 7 Years ago.

RE: SS released 2017-09-29

Youngling Posts: 222 Join Date: 11/24/14 Recent Posts

I just got the executables updated to in the folder: