

May 2017; beta testing finished

Richard Methot, modified 5 Years ago.

May 2017; beta testing finished

Youngling Posts: 222 Join Date: 11/24/14 Recent Posts

Over the past 5 months, we have been vigorously testing SS3.30, adding a few more features, and doing lots of fixes.  Special thanks to the U.S. west coast groundfish team for being the testing grounds with over a dozen model configurations, and to the PFMC's Scientific and Statistical Committee for approving the SS3.24 to SS3.30 comparison.  We are now ready to take off the beta testing label.  We also have reorganized the VLAB document library where you can find the executables, manuals, change logs, examples, etc.  We will continue to work on adding more examples, at this time only simple and simple with discards are up-to-date.

Note that SS3.30 comes as sstrans.exe, which can read SS3.24 format files and convert to 3.30, and ss.exe which you should use after converting.  You also will find the SS GUI which makes it much easier to avoid the messy detail of the input files and it can guide you through the conversion process.  Officially, this full release is labelled:  SS-V3.30.03.05;_2017_05_11

Please post about any Stock Synthesis 3.30 issues in the Stock Synthesis 3.30 forums

Please contact the NOAA VLab administrators at to change your username or password, or for other VLab issues

Rick and the SS team

Grant Thompson, modified 7 Years ago.

RE: May 2017; beta testing finished

Youngling Posts: 3 Join Date: 5/16/16 Recent Posts
Congratulations, Rick!


On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 9:28 PM VLab Notifications <> wrote:

Over the past 5 months, we have been vigorously testing SS3.30, adding a few more features, and doing lots of fixes.  Special thanks to the U.S. west coast groundfish team for being the testing grounds with over a dozen model configurations, and to the PFMC's Scientific and Statistical Committee for approving the SS3.24 to SS3.30 comparison.  We are now ready to take off the beta testing label.  We also have reorganized the VLAB document library where you can find the executables, manuals, change logs, examples, etc.  We will continue to work on adding more examples, at this time only simple and simple with discards are up-to-date.

Note that SS3.30 comes as sstrans.exe, which can read SS3.24 format files and convert to 3.30, and ss.exe which you should use after converting.  You also will find the SS GUI which makes it much easier to avoid the messy detail of the input files and it can guide you through the conversion process.  Officially, this full release is labelled:  SS-V3.30.03.05;_2017_05_11

Please post about any Stock Synthesis 3.30 issues in the Stock Synthesis 3.30 forums

Please contact the NOAA VLab administrators at to change your username or password, or for other VLab issues

Rick and the SS team


Richard Methot Stock Synthesis Virtual Lab Forum
Grant Thompson, fishery biologist
Resource Ecology and Fisheries Management Division
Alaska Fisheries Science Center
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115-6349