

End r4ss support for 3.24 models?

Ian Taylor, modified 2 Years ago.

End r4ss support for 3.24 models?

Youngling Posts: 117 Join Date: 12/8/14 Recent Posts

Hi r4ss users,

Kathryn Doering and I have been having a discussion about discontinuing support for Stock Synthesis 3.24 models in the {r4ss} package. One proposal, discussed at, would be to deprecate all the functions related to reading and writing input files. This would leave the SS_output() and SS_plots() functions still working for 3.24 models. If necessary, we could maintain support for 3.24 in SSsummarize() and SSplotComparisons() for the purpose of comparing old to new models. We do not plan to support functions related to things like likelihood profiles and data weighting for older versions.


If you are still using a 3.24 model and see a need for these functions, please either reply to this forum message, post on the github issue linked above, or write directly to me and Kathryn at and


Also, if you would like support in converting 3.24 models to the current version of Stock Synthesis, please get in touch.


Ian Taylor, modified 2 Years ago.

RE: End r4ss support for 3.24 models?

Youngling Posts: 117 Join Date: 12/8/14 Recent Posts

We didn't hear any concerns about deprecating the r4ss functions related to 3.24 models as suggested in this forum thread, so those functions are now deprecated as discussed my the recent forums message "New version of r4ss released..."