

SS3.30.19.01 Fixes released on Apr 15, 2022

Richard Methot, modified 2 Years ago.

SS3.30.19.01 Fixes released on Apr 15, 2022

Youngling Posts: 222 Join Date: 11/24/14 Recent Posts

Hello Stock Synthesis Users,

Two issues were discovered within hours of the release of 3.30.19. Both were fixed and are  released as the fix. Changes are:

  • #283 (fixed by #284) Fix two errors in reporting of results.  One caused doubled reporting of recruitment in the time_series table in a model with multiple seasons and only one recruitment event.  The other caused incorrect fecundity-at-age to be used in the SPR/YPR profile if empirical wt-at-age was used.

  • #288 (fixed by #290) Fix reporting of catch at age in equilibrium and initial year report