Hi SS team,
What is the format for inputting a deviation vector for time-varying MG parameters (e.g. cohort growth) in the control file? The manual says to input them after the TG parameters but I think SS is reading them as variance adjustment parameters.
Say I've estimated cohort growth deviations in a model, and the control.ss_new file has commented descriptions of the deviation vectors.
From control.ss_new
0 # use 2D_AR1 selectivity(0/1)
#_no 2D_AR1 selex offset used
# Tag loss and Tag reporting parameters go next
0 # TG_custom: 0=no read and autogen if tag data exist; 1=read
#_Cond -6 6 1 1 2 0.01 -4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #_placeholder if no parameters
# deviation vectors for timevary parameters
# base base first block block env env dev dev dev dev dev
# type index parm trend pattern link var vectr link _mnyr mxyr phase dev_vector
# 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1982 2019 4 -4.74739 -2.67466 -0.140121 0.472827 0.0923778 -2.56083 -1.85329 1.09853 -4.85296 1.68831 -0.603715 0.0574974 -1.2095 4.93564 -0.830913 0.15358 -0.363772 -1.36393 1.95603 -2.23447 4.07689 -4.96396 1.66844 0.929938 9.78155 4.38053 3.69499 -4.44708 8.47207 -1.20438 -3.44645 -4.31041 1.96447 -1.19382 0.147736 -2.70018 2.98459 3.20983
# 1 13 3 0 0 0 0 2 1 1982 2019 5 1.1639 -2.49719 1.95786 -2.18513 -0.252127 1.65013 -2.24579 -1.24304 -0.513772 0.0190251 -0.334822 0.969157 -1.57207 1.95141 -2.44934 2.88252 0.371885 0.574171 -0.637478 1.05763 0.789094 2.9881 -0.50236 3.67068 0.0724201 2.11733 0.241812 0.58569 -0.121206 -1.3105 1.72859 -0.0154649 -0.103282 -0.268945 -2.25246 -0.236905 1.78808 0.278959
I've tried a couple things, one of which was to try to uncomment the deviation vector lines above. I think SS is reading the lines I've tried to input as variance adjustment values (see below).
From echoinput.sso:
0 TG_custom (need to read even if no tag data ); tag_data?: 0 N_Fleet: 3
dev vector #: 1 setup: 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1982 2019 4 3 0 phase: 4
dev vector #: 2 setup: 1 13 3 0 0 0 0 2 1 1982 2019 5 13 0 phase: 5
read var_adjust list until -9999
1 1 3
1 0 0
0 0 1
1 1982 2019
4 1.11173 0.0944435
0.135578 0.389412 0.226817
0.856733 0.103363 -0.359691
-1.48202 -0.278921 -0.366551
-0.570168 -0.22367 -1.25303
-0.931673 -0.157324 -1.99008
-0.269609 1.938 3.52326
3.08203 1.39447 2.41065
-0.7346 0.145877 -1.96864
-3.76639 -3.69407 -1.6164
0.0672479 -0.755547 -0.18352
0.556263 0.274177 0.996706
2.06624 0.492732 0.173065
-9999 1 0
number of variance adjustment records = 17
Thanks in advance for any suggestions
Peter Kuriyama