

ss3.30 forecast

Dan Fu, modified 4 Years ago.

ss3.30 forecast

Youngling Posts: 46 Join Date: 12/14/16 Recent Posts

Dear SS3 team,

I run into an issue with the SS3.30 (lastest) constant catch forecasting, which doesn't appear to be working.

I simply set up a 10-year forecast with catch set to zero for all fleets. The SS3.24 forecast works as intended which shows SSB rapidly increasing (see attached SS3.24-forecast.png).
But the forecast for  SS3.30 files failed - the SSB crashed a few years into the projection period (see attached SS3.30-forecast.png).

Parameter estimates from the 3.30 are the same as the 3.24 (I used the ss_trans.exe for the conversion).

Running the forecast with alternative catch levels under 3.30 had the same issue

I have attached the input files for SS3.24 and the problem is very easy to reproduce.

Hope you could help me look into this issue - (Most likely I have missed some configuration in the 3.30 forecast file?)

Thanks for your help.
