Height of SHSR - Warning Decision Training Division (WDTD)
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Products Guide
Height of SHSR
Short Description
The height associated with the SHSR field
Primary Users
Input Sources
Radar location (lat/lon, antenna horn height above mean sea level), radar data bin coordinates (range, azimuth, elevation angle), Seamless Hybrid Scan Reflectivity (SHSR) product
Spatial resolution: 1km x 1km
Temporal resolution: 2 minutes
Product Creation
The bottom height of each SHSR data bin is defined as the height associated with the SHSR (H-SHSR). The H-SHSR is mosaicked using the same process as the SHSR (see QPE Mosaic Process). An example of this mosaicked product is shown in Figure 1.
Technical Details
Latest Update: MRMS Version 10
Accessible on: MRMS Development site
Other MRMS product documentation: Seamless Hybrid Scan Reflectivity
H-SHSR is a very good indicator for the radar QPE quality because vertical variations of reflectivity are one of the biggest contributors to the QPE uncertainty. It can be used to interpret the SHSR, because it can help to understand uncertainty in radar estimates that are in areas of poor sampling. Additionally, it can help to visualize blockage impacts, since the heights can show where upper tilts were needed.
The H-SHSR is the bottom of the SHSR bin and is a relatively “optimistic” estimate of how close the data bin is to the ground. Further, H-SHSR does not reflect radar QPE uncertainties associated with inaccuracies in Z-R relationships.
Quality Control
At this time, the H-SHSR is only used as a diagnostic tool. It is used for interpreting SHSR and QPE biases, as well as visualizing beam blockages. At this time, this is the best Q3 product for diagnosing distance from radar, since there is no product or method to check range from radar.
Example Images