Custom Points - NBM1DViewer
Custom Points
You can now request custom locations for NBM 1D Viewer forecasts simply by submitting them via a google form that is linked on the front page of the viewer. Simply click on the Submit Custom Point link which is now below the map.
Once you submit the custom location request it will show up on the next available run in the 1D Viewer.
The quick turn around time is especially useful for Wildfires and IDSS events. For those type of events you should set a designation of temporary in the google form. Temporary points will stop showing up on new runs of the NBM after 30 days.
A couple of ground rules:
1.) Please use discretion with what permanent points you submit. NBM 1D Viewer already has over 4,000 CONUS locations including METAR, RAWS, and custom locations. Scroll around on the map and see what is there before you request a new permanent location, you might be surprised at what you find. We want to keep as much space as we can for high impact IDSS events so please don't abuse the custom locations by submitting hundreds of permanent locations, try to keep it to high priority locations for your WFO.
2.) Whenever possible for a permanent point please use a station id. If one doesn't exist that is fine just leave that question blank, the viewer will just use the station name. But station id's are unique, station names might not be, so using an ID helps us avoid conflicts. With a station ID we can also possibly match it to actual observations for verification.
3.) Please no special characters (like commas) in the request form.
If you run into any trouble or have any questions you can reach out to us at