
The National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program (NTHMP) is led by its Chair and leadership in cooperation with its Coordinating Committee composed of representatives from the following government entities:

  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) (Chair)
  • Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA)
  • U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
  • U.S. coastal states (AK, CA, HI, OR, WA, East Coast, Gulf Coast)
  • Pacific territories/commonwealths (American Samoa, CNMI, Guam)
  • Puerto Rico
  • U.S. Virgin Islands

Foundational Documents

NTHMP Program Administration

The NTHMP is supported by the NTHMP Administrator who is based at the National Weather Service headquarters, Tsunami Program. This position serves as an Executive Secretary to the Chair, organizes meetings, develops NTHMP meeting agendas, takes minutes for Coordinating Committee meetings, facilitates NTHMP meetings and work groups, maintains the NTHMP website, and communicates on behalf of the NTHMP Coordinating Committee and Subcommittees with its members.

Coordinating Committee

The NTHMP Coordinating Committee (NTHMP CC) shall:

  1. Include representatives from Federal, state, territorial, and commonwealth governments;
  2. Provide recommendations to the National Weather Service on how to improve the TsunamiReady® program, particularly on ways to make communities more tsunami resilient through the use of inundation maps and other mitigation practices; and
  3. Ensure that all components of the program are integrated with ongoing hazard warning and risk management activities, emergency response plans, and mitigation programs in affected areas, including integrating information to assist in tsunami evacuation route planning.



In conjunction with outside experts and other stakeholders, the three subcommittees develop guidance and set standards to ensure consistency among federal and state tsunami programs and integration with broader multihazard programs.

Mapping and Modeling Subcommittee

The Mapping and Modeling Subcommittee brings together expertise on modeling and mapping of tsunami hazards. The MMS develops, standardizes, and improves tools that show how tsunamis could affect people and property. Examples of these tools, which are used for emergency and community planning, include tsunami inundation (flooding) and evacuation maps that show who and what is at risk.

Mitigation and Education Subcommittee

The Mitigation and Education Subcommittee works to reduce tsunami impacts primarily through education and outreach that increase awareness and encourage preparedness. It also promotes and provides guidance on other risk reduction activities, such as evacuation planning and integration of tsunami risk into land-use policy and planning. And, it provides recommendations for NOAA's TsunamiReady Program, which encourages communities to prepare for tsunamis

Warning Coordination Subcommittee

Through the Waring Coordination Subcommittee, the NTHMP provides input to the operational U.S. Tsunami Warning System. Recommendations from the NTHMP help refine warning system messages, graphics, procedures, exercises, and dissemination systems so that warning system products are effective during a tsunami warning.

Mitigation and Recovery Planning Work Group

The NTHMP Mitigation & Recovery Planning Work Group was initially formed by action of the NTHMP Coordinating Committee on July 25, 2018, with confirmation of its scope and authority on August 23, 2019. This Work Group has defined its mission "to improve tsunami mitigation and recovery planning and coastal community resilience nationally."


Caucus and Board

Island Caucus

The NTHMP Island Caucus was formed in February, 2016, as an informal way to share ideas and collaborate on tsunami issues unique to islands.

NTHMP TsuInfo Editorial Board

The NTHMP TsuInfo Alert Editorial Board was created and endorsed by the NTHMP Coordinating Committee in 2015.

The Editorial Board provides expert advice and guidance to the Editor of the NTHMP TsuInfo Alert newsletter. This newsletter is produced six times each year and distributed by email, mail, and the web. The State of Washington Department of Natural Resources is funding through NOAA/NWS Tsunami Activities Grants to pay for the services required to support this newsletter, including the services of an Editor.

This newsletter has been written and produced since January, 1999. The archive of these newsletters is here.