NOAA/National Weather Service Financial Support For State, Territory, Local Government, and Tribal Tsunami Activities

Since Federal fiscal year 2008, Congress has authorized NOAA's National Weather Service to offer a grants program to support tsunami preparedness, mitigation, mapping, modeling, and warning coordination activities. Per terms of authorizing legislation, these grants have been made available only to agencies and organizations that have membership on the NTHMP Coordinating Committee as defined in the NTHMP Rules of Procedure. The legislation was updated in 2017 and financial support is available also to local governments and Indian tribes.

This page provides ready-reference information for grantees.

Quick links:
FY23 Grants  — Local Governments & Tribes  — Grant Reporting
Special Award Condition on Data Management  — Forms
Grant-specific information  — NOAA Grants Online  — NTHMP Strategic Plan  — Past Grant Activities


FY23 Grants


FY23 NOAA/NWS Tsunami Activities Grant Program Guidance

These are the overall instructions and requirements for NOAA/NWS Grants for State, Territory, Tribal, and Local Government Tsunami Activities as prepared by the NWS Tsunami Program Office. Prepared on 10/09/19 and updated 12/21/21.


Allowable and non-allowable activities for FY23   (As of 12/21/2021)


Project Narratives


Budget Workbooks (Spreadsheets)

Documents and Information applicable for pre-applications

Instructions and Explanations


Grants Application Process for Local Governments and Tribes

Guidelines that explain the grant application process for local governments and tribes


Grant-specific Information

List of NOAA Tsunami Grants Principal Investigators  (11/21/2022)

NOAA Grant Citation/Acknowledgement Requirements for print, pdf, and video materials funded by grants (as of 04/25/2018)

Grant Reprogramming Guidance (informal and formal)  (As of 06/18/2019)

How to request a no-cost extension for a grant  (As of 06/18/2019)

No-cost Extension Budget Spreadsheet  (As of 06/18/2019)

Rebudget calculator spreadsheet (tool to determine how to rebudget while not exceeding original award, June 18, 2019).

Extension to Closeout Instructions  (As of 10/20/2015)


Grant Reporting

Template for Grant semi-annual narrative report

Template for Final Grant Closeout Narrative Report

Tangible Property Reporting (SF-428) -- contact the Grants Management Specialist indicated in your NOAA Grants OnLine account for current guidance on these forms. The Tsunami Program Office is not the right POC for these forms.

General questions regarding the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) and Sub-award Reporting System (FSRS)

Link to Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) Subaward Reporting System (FSRS)


Special Award Condition: Data Management

A NOAA Data Management Directive was adopted in 2018 and applies to all NOAA grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts. It says, NOAA Programs shall strive to ensure that environmental data produced as a result of NOAA-funded Grants .. are made publicly accessible, in a timely fashion (typically within 2 years), free of charge....

This Data Management Directive is here: NOAA Data Management Directive

Data Management Guidance and Plan Template  

Please direct questions about Special Award Conditions (SACs) related to this matter to the NOAA Grants Specialist shown in your NOAA Grants Online Account.



Fillable PDF SF 424A -- for use when preparing a grant application or reprogramming request.
Fillable SF424a example / demonstration

SF424 family of forms (link to website)

CD-511 Certification Regarding Lobbying

SF 425 and higher grant forms are here (link to website, Post-Award Reporting Forms)

Reprogramming instructions   (As of April 19, 2018)


NOAA Grants Online

Grants Online Recipient Assistance for Award Action Requests

NOAA Grants Online Quick Reference Guide

NOAA Grants Online Help


NTHMP Strategic Plan

NTHMP 2018-2023 Strategic Plan    (2018)