Modeling and Data Assimilation Branch (MDAB)

The Modeling and Data Assimilation Branch (MDAB), in collaboration with other institutions, conducts a program of applied research and development (R&D) in support of the National Weather Service (NWS) operational mission of Earth system prediction through environmental modeling of the atmosphere, oceans, sea ice and land surface, across spatial and temporal scales.   Associated R&D activities include, but are not limited to, four-dimensional data assimilation of satellite and conventional observations; advanced numerical modeling techniques;  coupled interactions between the atmosphere, ocean, land and ice surfaces for both weather and climate; parameterization of sub-grid scale processes; modeling of ocean waves and storm surges; reanalysis studies for archival and use by the scientific community; and other modeling and support for specific NWS mission areas, such as support of the National Hurricane Center for tropical prediction.  The MDAB publishes research results in various media for dissemination to the world oceanographic and meteorological community.


Branch Objectives

  • Develop and improve numerical weather, ocean and climate prediction for the National Weather Service (NWS) National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) through a broad program of development and research in data assimilation and modelling.
  • Develop and implement physical parameterizations, Data Assimilation, and Coupling of Atmosphere and Ocean models for Operational numerical weather prediction models through a broad program of research on atmospheric and marine/ocean science
  • MDAB has 3 subgroups with these supervisors;
    • Data Assimilation (Dr. Daryl Kleist)
    • Coupled Modeling (Dr. Avichal Mehra)
    • Model Physics (Dr. Fanglin Yang)

Functions include

  • 4-D data assimilation of satellite and conventional observations;
  • Advanced numerical modeling techniques;
  • Coupled interactions between the atmosphere, ocean, land and ice  surfaces for both weather and climate;
  • Parameterization of sub-grid scale processes;
  • Modeling of ocean waves and storm surges;
  • Reanalysis studies for archival and use by the scientific community;
  • Other modeling and support for specific NWS mission areas, such as support of the National Hurricane Center for tropical prediction


Vijay Tallapragada

Branch Chief, Dr. Vijay Tallapragada

Modeling and Data Assimilation Branch (MDAB)

Dr. Tallapragada's research interests involve developing comprehensive high-resolution air-sea-wave-land coupled modeling systems for more accurate tropical cyclone forecasts, studying the role of convective, vortex-scale and large-scale processes influencing tropical cyclone track, structure and intensity, assessing impact of aircraft and satellite observations using advanced data assimilation techniques, and developing advanced diagnostic methods for assessing model performance. Prior to joining NCEP/EMC in 2006, Dr. Tallapragada was a Research Associate at the Department of Meteorology in Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL for seven years, where he was mentored by world renowned tropical meteorologist Prof. T.N. Krishnamurti. Dr. Tallapragada holds a Ph.D., a Masters Degree in Atmospheric Science and a Masters Degree in Meteorology from Andhra University in India. He has more than 30 refereed publications in various journals of international reputation, and supervised two Ph.D. students and two Masters students.