Comms Mission:

The Communications Division:

  • provides comprehensive and proactive strategic and tactical communications, including the development and coordination of communication policies, strategies and activities.
  • advises senior management, develops NWS-wide strategic communication objectives and provides guidance and strategies on all communication issues including complex and politically sensitive aspects of the agency's programs, policies or positions to program offices, regional offices, national centers and WFOs to engage partners and stakeholders.
  • builds and fosters relationships with external constituency groups, including the Weather, Water and Climate Enterprise, other Federal agencies, and state, local, tribal and territorial offices/officials.
  • creates awareness and preparedness materials for field and headquarters personnel to support outreach and education efforts to better prepare emergency management officials, the public and other stakeholders to respond to weather and water events.
  • ensures all outreach and educational materials are consistent and thorough when communicating the programs, services and priorities of the agency to enhance the understanding of, and support for, the NWS mission.
  • determines a strategic approach, standards and guidelines, and ensures consistency in the development and dissemination of NWS digital content and social media messages and NWS web content. and provides guidance regarding the use of emerging communications technologies, and complies with Department of Commerce and NOAA policies.
  • collaborates with the Communication Offices across all NOAA lines and in coordination with NOAA Communications and NOAA Legislative Affairs. Internal Communications includes “executive affairs” responsibilities that assign, track, and archive NWS senior management correspondence and actions including quality control for content and consistency.

The staff serves as NWS’ liaison for records management functions, including Memorandums of Agreements, Understanding, and Interagency Agreements