

NEXRAD running 3 hours behind?

Anonymous, modified 6 Months ago.

NEXRAD running 3 hours behind?

Hey all, new user here, running CAVE on MacOS and everything works well - but one thing. All Neared radars load in +/-3 hrs old. Any idea why? I've searched every setting that seems obvious on my end - I think, anyway. Help?? Thanks! 


Anonymous, modified 6 Months ago.

RE: NEXRAD running 3 hours behind?

That should read Nexrad, obviously :) Dang auto correct. 

Anonymous, modified 6 Months ago.

RE: NEXRAD running 3 hours behind?

I found the threads for radar set to 1, which obviously is not good.  in /awips2/edex/conf/resources/  change  the threads. I tried 12 and it seems to keep up. Restart edex after a change


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