

Information on Day Night Band Installation in AWIPS II (16.1.1 and greater)

Scott Lindstrom, modified 9 Years ago.

Information on Day Night Band Installation in AWIPS II (16.1.1 and greater)

Youngling Posts: 7 Join Date: 6/29/15 Recent Posts
There was a VISIT Satellite Chat on 18 December 2015 on the NCC (Near Constant Contrast) Day Night Band imagery that is now flowing to AWIPS II (with a latency of 60-90 minutes).

A bug in 16.1.1 has made the data ingest not smooth.  Two attachments to this note will help.

1.  viirsBundleItems.xml should be installed to update the baseline menu config file, then NCC imagery will appear in your pull-down menu in 16.1.1+.  Place the xml file at the site level.  (You may need to make the dir names beyond your site name--an example for site name OAX is:     /awips2/edex/data/utility/cave_static/site/OAX/menus/npp/viirs/viirsBundleItems.xml.  )    After adding it to the above path, restart CAVE and the NCC appears from the Satellite pull-down for CONUS, ALASKA, and PACIFIC:    Satellite - NPP Products - VIIRS - Near Constant Contrast (0.7u)

2.  Purge Rules:  viirs-specific purge rule (viirsPurgeRules.xml)  that purge data after 24 hours.  This should be placed at   /awips2/edex/data/utility/common_static/site/<site>/purge/virrsPurgeRules.xml  (where <site> is, for example, MKX, or OAX...)

3.  The attached PowerPoint is from the Satellite Chat on 18 December 2015 (Curtis Seaman at CIRA was the speaker).  It describes the new product.

4.  The attached 2-page QuickGuide pdf includes information relevant to making the enhancement work in AWIPS II, should you decide the default isn't doing the job

Many thanks to Dr. Lee Byerle for the xml files!!