

Can Total Lightning Help With Warning Non-supercell Tornadoes

Edward Ray, modified 7 Years ago.

Can Total Lightning Help With Warning Non-supercell Tornadoes

Youngling Posts: 1 Join Date: 9/24/12 Recent Posts
I have a forecaster that would like to know if there is any new information on the Sept 26 session "Can total lightning help with warnings for non-supercell tornadoes?". When was the last time this session was updated? Thank you.
Edward Szoke, modified 7 Years ago.

RE: Can Total Lightning Help With Warning Non-supercell Tornadoes (Answer)

Youngling Posts: 1 Join Date: 12/18/13 Recent Posts

Ed - this session has not been updated since it was created.  Hopefully as we get cases with GLM data in the future we will be able to update.  Always interested in any cases from any WFOs of course.  Thanks for asking.

ed szoke