Probabilistic Graphics

The Probabilistic Graphics webpage was designed as a complement to the NBM 1D Viewer,  and has the capacity to serve high-end probabilistic graphics to NWS partners and the general public. 

Issues & Requests



Tom Dang, modified 3 Years ago.


Youngling Posts: 1 Join Date: 7/5/15 Recent Posts

From Bill - Hopefully I can explain it.  Basically, the ability to plot more than one day at a time.  For example, MaxT and probability of exceedance.  Say one wants to look at a station, say Redding, and we want to see the probability of exceeding 90 degrees there over the next week.  I think it would be cool to show that in one image.  Maybe a bar chart or something?  Not sure we could do this with all elements or multiple stations at a time, but hopefully that makes sense.  I know we have other things ahead of this, but something to consider.  

Demonstration Video

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can you change the map scale in the graphic?

A: You can! The map is fully interactive. You can zoom and pan as you please.


Q: I don't see a city that I want listed in the left menu.

A: The list of cities automatically refreshes, determined by the extent in the map. If you still don't city you wish, please email and request the location be added.


Q: Can I change the wording in the graphic?

A: You can! The text boxes are editable.