TOWR-S RPM v22 Feature: GOES Land Surface Temperature (LST) Expanded Colormap Range

February 22, 2022


Q. What is the GOES LST product?
A: The GOES Land Surface Temperature (LST) product provides skin temperature information at an hourly cadence in cloud-free locations. It is derived from GOES IR bands 14 (11.2 um) and 15 (12.3 um) and can fill gaps in areas without thermometers. For GOES-17, band 13 (10.35 um) is also utilized to mitigate the effects of the Loop Heat Pipe anomaly. It may be used, for example, in determining thermal stresses, especially during extreme heat or cold. LST is available in AWIPS (via the Satellite Broadcast Network) in the Derived Parameters sub menu. The display and cursor sampling are in degrees Fahrenheit. More details on this product can be found in this CIMSS Quick Guide and on this TOWR-S VLab page.


Q. What’s new with GOES LST?
A: We’ve updated the default AWIPS configuration so that a broader range of temperatures is displayed. The baseline (previous) LST has a min and max LST display range of -10F (-23C) and 110F (43C), respectively. Therefore, temperatures colder than -10F can go undetected in the display, while gradients in very warm temperatures (> 110F) may also be missed.
The display min and max are updated to range from -50F (-45C) to 156F (69C). Figures 1 and 2 show examples for the same time over CONUS but with different min/max settings. Notice the contrast in displayed LST over Northern Minnesota and large portions of Canada between the two figures.


Figure 1. GOES-16 Land Surface (Skin) Temperature (degrees F) on Feb 13, 2022 at 14Z using the AWIPS baseline display ranges from -10F (-23C) to 110F (43C). Dark areas over land are either cloud-covered (e.g. over most of Florida), or too cold to be within the display range.


Figure 2. As in Figure 1 but using the new expanded display range featured in TOWR-S RPM v22. The display min and max are updated to range from -50F (-45C) to 156F (69C). Colder temperatures appear over Northern Minnesota and Canada (compare to Figure 1).


Q. How do I get this update to the default LST display range?
A: This update is a feature of TOWR-S RPM Version 22, which is now available for AWIPS at WFOs and RFCs. Upon installing the RPM, this new display range will take effect for LST. In addition, the LST is included in the cursor read-out with the GOES CIRA Geocolor and Day Land Cloud RGBs in Version 22. These data products are located in AWIPS under Satellite, Local Menu Items, GOES RGBs w/ Derived Product Readouts. Click here for instructions on installing the TOWR-S RPM Version 22.



If you have any questions about the GOES LST product, the TOWR-S RPM, or for any other questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact Lee Byerle ( or John Evans ( You can also contact us in the NWSChat “towr-s” chatroom.