

SS3.30.15.00 released 2020-03-26

Richard Methot, modified 5 Years ago.

SS3.30.15.00 released 2020-03-26

Youngling Posts: 222 Join Date: 11/24/14 Recent Posts

Latest SS News:  March 26, 2020

Greetings Stock Synthesis (SS) Users, 

This release of SS ( encompasses nine months and nearly 50 commits of augmentations and fixes. Of particular note are new capabilities to read a random seed for generating bootstrap data, allow users to skip forecasting, improve Dirichlet-multinomial compositional data weighting output, and improve the usability of the semi-parametric (2D-AR) selectivity option. Most fixes are for seldom used SS features including changes so that Lorenzen natural mortality can now be used when time-varying growth is estimated, and corrected calculations for the expected values of morph composition.  It always is advisable to update your version to take advantage of improvements in outputs and to learn of new options. The full list of changes is in the change log and searchable by keyword, date, and version.  An abbreviated, recent list is posted at the end of this message.  Thank you to all users who reported bugs or requested features. 

The latest executables can be found in the SS document library.  Please note that between releases, fixes are posted in the latest executables folder. Sometimes the Linux and OSX version are not compiled as frequently as the Windows version, so please do not hesitate to contact the SS development team (“SS team”) at  if you require a more up-to-date Linux or OSX version. 

An essay describing how fishing mortality, F, is used and reported by SS is attached to these release notes. This essay was written to answer questions users had about the various aspects of F in SS. It is also included in the SS manual.

Website changes: The SS team has been making SS more accessible. As part of this process, a copy of the SS source code (the ADMB tpl) for this release is available to browse. In addition, the SS forums are now public, meaning that even those without an account can view and create posts. Need a refresher on creating forum posts or (for registered users) subscribing/unsubscribing to the forums? See this article on using forums in the vlab user guide.

Update on GUI - Stock Synthesis Interface (SSI): New features added to the SSI expand its capabilities and make the interface more user-friendly. These features include the ability to choose a default model to load when starting SSI, selectivity and stock recruitment relationship curves can be viewed while editing the model, reading models with tagging data, and r4ss plots can be created with a click of a button after a successful model run. There is also a new quick start guide for the SSI which documents initial setup.

ss3sim updates: ss3sim (on CRAN and github) has been updated to work with SS 3.30 models. ss3sim is an R package that facilitates flexible, rapid, and reproducible fisheries stock assessment simulation testing with SS. If you are interested in using ss3sim and wish to develop additional functionality, please open an issue in the ss3sim repository. The ss3sim team is happy to coordinate with you to make the range of options that ss3sim can handle more broad.

r4ss updates: The r4ss functions for reading and writing SS input files (see functions SS_readctl(), SS_writectl(), SS_readdat(), and SS_writedat() especially) have been expanded to work with a wider range of SS models. If you are using R as a tool to interact with SS, these functions may be of use for modifying SS files programmatically within R.  The SS team is using these functions within ss3sim, to advance a decision support tool that provides a GUI for control of some forecast features, and to develop a generic MSE framework for SS. More information on changes to r4ss is available by looking at recently modified issues on the r4ss GitHub issues page.

Additional tools for SS updates:  An R package to use SS models in an MSE is under active development. 

SS User Manual updates: The manual has been reorganized with three new sections that focus on advanced SS configurations, detailed information on internal SS processes, and general population dynamic modeling advice. Additionally, the manual now includes a new description of the SS bootstrapping feature and an improved description of how to use conditional-age-at-length in SS. Have a suggestion for the manual or need clarification? Email the SS development team at

Contact us:  Please do not hesitate to report strange SS behavior,  ask a question about SS, or request a feature by posting on the forums or emailing the SS team at Please contact VLAB administrators at to change your username or password. 

Change log since last release:

  • Dirichlet-multinomial composition likelihood:  Improve reporting of adjusted sample sizes; include adjusted sample sizes in bootstrap data generation.  NOTE: still need to extend to generalized size comp.

  • empirical wt-at-age: Fix internal storage of annual fecundity; improve  filling wtatage in forecast years; merge writing of wtatage.ss_new into other reporting rather than separate iteration

  • Sdreport:  improve input format for extra sdreport quantities and introduce sdreport output for M-at-age

  • Selectivity:  introduce ability to set selex = 0.0 for young age range because length selex alone can allow their selection

  • Bootstrap data:  allow user input ( of seed for random number generator

  • Morph composition data:  fix major problem that affected expected values for morph composition since creation of this feature in 3.24; improve output

  • Forecast: add no forecast (-1) option and improve simple one year forecast option (0)

  • Priors:  gamma prior was incorrect, had wrong sign

  • Priors:  clarify how prior like for non-estimated parameters is used, esp. for prior on survey Q

  • Data Input:  fix problem that converted fractional data months to integers

  • Forecast:  make forecast F robust to high catches and pin at maxF; improve performance when used fixed F inputs

  • Report:  output each block's age-age' key when blocks used for estimated age-age' key

  • Selectivity:  clarify age/len terminology in parameter names and warnings for 2DAR

  • Warnings:  improve accuracy of N warn count; add warnings for illogical data specifications for retention; improve warnings for %depletion fleet

  • Retention:  add handling of age-retention when discard option=3; add check for correct parameter range for asymptotic selectivity

  • Internal calc:  revise the nil expected value warning so it only adds a smaller constant

  • Bootstrap:  can generate observations in forecast out to 50 years

  • Warnings:  note that F0.1 search can fail if bycatch fleets' catch is included

  • Warnings:  make code more robust to retained catch data used when fleet is bycatch only

  • Growth:  change internal order of operations and time index tracking to allow Lorenzen M to work with time-varying growth

  • Report:  add N observation info to logL table in report.sso

  • Forecast:  option to set max bias adjustment to 1.0 for all years was incorrectly beingapplied in forecast

  • Control input:  revise autogen to retain input values in control.ss_new unless used; also fix autogen of block offsets

  • Report:  formatting fixes in .ssnew and reporting in Impl_err and F parameters in output

  • Report:  fix output issue with recruitment in time_series for multi-season models

  • Report:  fix Z-at-age output for N morphs>1

  • Input:  fix the mirroring of tag recapture parameters

  • Forecast:  correct problem with heterogeneous catch types (bio vs num) in forecast

  • Report:   fix output of sample size in data.ss_new for mean length@age observations