

R4SS report equilibrium yield

Megumi Oshima, modified 4 Years ago.

R4SS report equilibrium yield

Youngling Posts: 9 Join Date: 5/14/19 Recent Posts


I am wondering exactly what the equil_yield object from the SS_output is. Is this the equilibrium yield at different levels of F or SPR? 



Ian Taylor, modified 4 Years ago.

RE: R4SS report equilibrium yield

Youngling Posts: 117 Join Date: 12/8/14 Recent Posts

The $equil_yield table created by the SS_output function in r4ss is from the SPR/YPR_profile in Report.sso. It is used in r4ss primarily to create the yield curve plot where the peak should match the MSY value. It would be useful to add an additional plot related to the Yield Per Recruit estimates.

I believe this table is created by iteratively increasing and decreasing a multiplier on all the fleet-specific F values where the selectivity, biology, recruitment distribution, and allocation among fleets are all determined by the settings in the forecast file under "Benchmarks", "Bmark_years", and "Bmark_relF_Basis".

In Report.sso there is additional information at the end of the table like the following:
Finish SPR/YPR profile
#Profile 0 is descending additively from max possible F:  4.09778
#Profile 1 is descending multiplicatively half of max possible F
#Profile 2 is additive back to Fcrash: 0.210143
#value 3 uses endyr F, which has different fleet allocation than benchmark
#value 4 is Fspr: 0.107403
#value 5 is Fbtgt: 0.0722269
#value 6 is Fmsy: 0.0763359
#Profile 7 increases from Fmsy to Fcrash
#NOTE: meanage of catch is for total catch of fleet_type==1 or bycatch fleets with scaled Hrate



Richard Methot, modified 4 Years ago.

RE: R4SS report equilibrium yield

Youngling Posts: 222 Join Date: 11/24/14 Recent Posts
SS profiles across a range of F and produces output in terms of SPR and other quantities.

At each F level,the F is apportioned among fleets according to the apportionment scheme specified by the user (which is often the mean apportionment across a range of years).  For that F level, SS calculates equilibrium yield per recruit and spawning output per recruit (S/R).  Then SS uses the spawner-recruitment function (if any) to calculate the equilibrium recruitment that would come from that S/R.  This recruitment level is then used to scale the S/R and Y/R to absolute levels of Y and S.

On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 9:18 AM Megumi Oshima <> wrote:


I am wondering exactly what the equil_yield object from the SS_output is. Is this the equilibrium yield at different levels of F or SPR? 



Megumi Oshima Stock Synthesis Virtual Lab Forum

Richard D. Methot Jr. Ph.D.
NOAA Fisheries Senior Scientist for Stock Assessments
Mobile: 301-787-0241
Megumi Oshima, modified 4 Years ago.

RE: R4SS report equilibrium yield

Youngling Posts: 9 Join Date: 5/14/19 Recent Posts

Thanks for the quick replies. That was very helpful.