

F multiplier

Dan Fu, modified 4 Years ago.

F multiplier

Youngling Posts: 46 Join Date: 12/14/16 Recent Posts

Hi, the Appendix A of Methot & Wetzel (2013)  mentioned 'SS provides three reference points: the first is calculated by finding the F multiplier that would achieve a specified level of spawning biomass-per-recruit relative to the unfished level of spawning biomass-per-recruit; the second ....; and the third ...' (page 17).  I just want to ask to how should I extract these F multipliers from the model output. Is there something I should configure in the input files first ? Thanks​​​​​​​

Ian Taylor, modified 4 Years ago.

RE: F multiplier

Youngling Posts: 117 Join Date: 12/8/14 Recent Posts

Hi Dan,

I'm assuming the other two reference points are the Biomass (Bratio) target and MSY. A group of values associated with each one are reported at the end of the DERIVED_QUANTITIES with labels like "Fstd_Btgt", "Fstd_SPR", and "Fstd_MSY". The F-multipliers used in the search for these values are reported in the Fmult column of the "SPR/YPR_Profile" in Report.sso as well as various tables in Forecast-report.sso following comments like "find_target_SPR", "Find_target_SSB/Bzero", and "Find_MSY_catch". Those tables in Forecast-report.sso aren't currently read by any r4ss function, but it wouldn't be hard to create one to do so.


Richard Methot, modified 4 Years ago.

RE: F multiplier

Youngling Posts: 219 Join Date: 11/24/14 Recent Posts

Hi Dan.  Yours is a good question from which to recap these controls.  I'll augment Ian's response.

While F is a simple concept in a biomass dynamics model with a single fishing fleet, the concept of "F" as a single number is very incomplete when there are multiple fleets, some with length-based and/or dome-shaped selectivity.  In SS, the F multiplier is multiplied first by fleet-specific relative F's to get the F for each fleet, then that fleet-specific F is multiplied by the age-selectivity to get F at age.  Depending on the choice of selectivity pattern, these age-specific F's may or nay not peak at 1.0 and can even exceed 1.0 in some circumstances.  The realized F-at-age for each fleet is (F multiplier) * (relative F) * (age-selectivity).  In addition to what Ian described, you can see the results under Exploitation in report.sso.

While F multiplier is always done as just described, the user has various options for the reporting of the realized F.  These are in and described in the manual.


Dan Fu, modified 4 Years ago.

RE: F multiplier

Youngling Posts: 46 Join Date: 12/14/16 Recent Posts

Thanks Ian and Methot for your detailed response. That's very clear and helpful.

Yevhen Leonchyk, modified 4 Years ago.

F and SPR

Youngling Posts: 36 Join Date: 8/1/17 Recent Posts


it seems like a silly question but I ask. J

We can read on page 15 of the manual:
The SPR approach to measuring fishing intensity was implemented because the concept of a single annual F does not exist in SS.

But there are F_msy, F_age and F_mean. Thus, we can calculate the annual F and can compare F_mean with F_msy. Why not?