

SS 3.30.13_beta mini-release

Richard Methot, modified 5 Years ago.

SS 3.30.13_beta mini-release

Youngling Posts: 222 Join Date: 11/24/14 Recent Posts

In response to a couple of user requests, here is a mini-release of 3.30.13_beta.  For now it is only available in the windows version, but let us know if you need a different compilation.  Find it in the folder 3.30.13_beta in the windows folder of the latest releases folder.  We will add more features and get everything documented before doing a full release of 3.30.13.

The features in this release are:

  •  allow gender=-1 to invoke Female SSB = SSB*fracfem
  • Where gender=1 ignores the fracfemale parameter and creates a total, asexual population; gender=2 uses fracfemale to split into 2 sexes at time of recruitment; gender=-1 creates an asexual population then multiplies by fracfemale at the time of reporting spawning biomass.
  • fix formatting problem for tags output in compreport.sso
  • create new Q option so that mirror Q uses an offset to ln(Q)
  • This is created for multi-area models where the user wants fleets to mirror Q and take the relative size of the areas into account.
  • ln_Q2 = ln_Q1 + ln(area1/area2).
  • so takes an extra parameter the value of which should be  ln(area1/area2), if I have my signs correct.
  • revise warning for recrdist options



Michael Schirripa, modified 6 Years ago.

RE: SS 3.30.13_beta mini-release

Youngling Posts: 2 Join Date: 6/12/17 Recent Posts
Rick; I mentioned when you were down here about creating an output for year specific MSY (rather than running the model one year at a time). Do you think you and others might find that useful? Useful for when we have shifting selectivity/gear contributions to the catch. Thanks.

On Mon, Oct 15, 2018 at 2:30 PM Richard Methot <> wrote:

In response to a couple of user requests, here is a mini-release of 3.30.13_beta.  For now it is only available in the windows version, but let us know if you need a different compilation.  Find it in the folder 3.30.13_beta in the windows folder of the latest releases folder.  We will add more features and get everything documented before doing a full release of 3.30.13.

The features in this release are:

  •  allow gender=-1 to invoke Female SSB = SSB*fracfem
  • Where gender=1 ignores the fracfemale parameter and creates a total, asexual population; gender=2 uses fracfemale to split into 2 sexes at time of recruitment; gender=-1 creates an asexual population then multiplies by fracfemale at the time of reporting spawning biomass.
  • fix formatting problem for tags output in compreport.sso
  • create new Q option so that mirror Q uses an offset to ln(Q)
  • This is created for multi-area models where the user wants fleets to mirror Q and take the relative size of the areas into account.
  • ln_Q2 = ln_Q1 + ln(area1/area2).
  • so takes an extra parameter the value of which should be  ln(area1/area2), if I have my signs correct.
  • revise warning for recrdist options



Richard Methot Stock Synthesis Virtual Lab Forum

The above e-mail represent my own claims and not those of NOAA or the Federal government
NOAA Fisheries Banner 
 Michael J. Schirripa, Ph.D.
 Research Fishery Biologist
 NOAA Fisheries
 Southeast Fisheries Science Center
 Miami, FL 33149   
Iago Mosqueira, modified 6 Years ago.

RE: SS 3.30.13_beta mini-release

Youngling Posts: 24 Join Date: 8/12/16 Recent Posts

I am having to review some SS3 runs carried out  with this version, so it would be very useful having a Linux executable available. Is this difficult?





Iago Mosqueira, modified 6 Years ago.

RE: SS 3.30.13_beta mini-release

Youngling Posts: 24 Join Date: 8/12/16 Recent Posts

I have one model working with SS_3.3.30beta in windows that does not run in the executable for Linux of the same version. warning.sso says


 illegal parmdevtype for parm 95



Ian Taylor, modified 6 Years ago.

RE: SS 3.30.13_beta mini-release

Youngling Posts: 117 Join Date: 12/8/14 Recent Posts

Hi Iago,

Thanks for reporting this. Could you email me your model files to debug--I think that would be more efficient than trying to replicate this independently.


Ian Taylor, modified 6 Years ago.

RE: SS 3.30.13_beta mini-release

Youngling Posts: 117 Join Date: 12/8/14 Recent Posts

Hi Iago,

It looks like the issue is related to changes between ADMB 11.6 (which the Linux executable was compiled with) and ADMB 12.0 (which the Windows version used). At this point ADMB 12.0 seems thoroughly tested so I think there's no reason not to move to that version for all releases going forward.
