

New SS 3.30 executables - 2017-07-05

Teresa Amar, modified 5 Years ago.

New SS 3.30 executables - 2017-07-05

Youngling Posts: 17 Join Date: 1/16/14 Recent Posts

Stock Synthesis executables for version are available for 64-bit Windows, OS X, and Linux.  The user manual has also been updated.

New features include

  • new column in both the length and age comp header tables for specifying the smallest sample size allowed; the default value is 1 to match SS 3.24; these values also affect the conditional age-at-length sample sizes

  • new option in the forecast file for specifying the selectivity to use for forecasts (not yet implemented)

Bug fixes include

  • issue with wtatage.ss_new

  • issue with settlement timing

  • issue with allocation groups and no allocation fractions defined

The SS 3.30 Change Log, which is available in the Document Library, has more information.

Note: if you are using a model that is already in SS 3.30 format, the following two changes need to be made before using the latest executables:

1.  In the data file, add a new column to both the length and age comp header tables for the smallest sample size (set to 1 to match SS 3.24; the minimum value is 0.001)

Change this

-1 1e-007 5 3 0 0 #_fleet:1_Fishery
-1 1e-007 5 3 0 0 #_fleet:2_Survey

to this

#_tailcomp addtocomp combM+F CompressBins CompError ParmSelect minsamplesize
-1 1e-007 5 3 0 0 1 #_fleet:1_Fishery
-1 1e-007 5 3 0 0 1 #_fleet:2_Survey

2.  In the forecast file, add a new value after the forecast years for the not-yet-implemented option for specifying forecast selectivity

#_Fcast_years:  beg_selex, end_selex, beg_relF, end_relF, beg_recruits, end_recruits
 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 # Forecast selectivity (not yet implemented)
1 # Control rule method (1=catch=f(SSB) west coast; 2=F=f(SSB) ) 


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