

Error in SS_output function

Laura Wise, modified 2 Years ago.

Error in SS_output function

Youngling Posts: 4 Join Date: 6/19/18 Recent Posts

I've updated to SS to the newest version ( and updated the r4ss package and get errors with function SS_output. I get no special warnings running SS with the newest version only in r4ss reading the outputs. It finishes reading files, finishes dimensioning but after getting the covar files it gives an error:

Got covar file.
Error in `$<`(`*tmp*`, "MeaneffN/MeaninputN", value = logical(0)) : 
  replacement has 0 rows, data has 2


I attach the necessary files to run the model in case it's easier for you.



Kelli Faye Johnson, modified 2 Years ago.

RE: Error in SS_output function

Youngling Posts: 28 Join Date: 6/13/17 Recent Posts


Thank you for posting your issue regarding using `r4ss::SS_output()` with SS3.30.20. I ran this version of Stock Synthesis with your input files and tried to read the output into R using {r4ss}. I was successful when using the GitHub version of {r4ss}, which can be installed via

unload(package = "r4ss")




The CRAN version of {r4ss} is in the process of being updated to work with the newest version of Stock Synthesis. Sorry for the delay in this update and please let us know if you have difficulties installing the GitHub version.

Laura Wise, modified 2 Years ago.

RE: Error in SS_output function

Youngling Posts: 4 Join Date: 6/19/18 Recent Posts

Thank you, Kelli. I should have tried that version before.

Richard Methot, modified 2 Years ago.

RE: Error in SS_output function

Youngling Posts: 222 Join Date: 11/24/14 Recent Posts

Laura, you were not the only one.  We'll add to the next release notes a link for updating r4ss.
