

New version of r4ss released (which might break your code, but fixes shouldn't be too hard)

Ian Taylor, modified 2 Years ago.

New version of r4ss released (which might break your code, but fixes shouldn't be too hard)

Youngling Posts: 117 Join Date: 12/8/14 Recent Posts

Hi r4ss users,

Recent changes merged into the main branch of r4ss on github include some things that could break your code if you run likelihood profiles, retrospectives, or jitters. The release notes are pasted below.

Sorry for rolling this out on a Friday afternoon. If you have problems with the revisions please get in touch via this forum, email, or GitHub issue. To work around any unexpected issues, you can either install the CRAN version of r4ss (version 1.44.0) which was released in May, or install a github version from a couple weeks ago before the major changes started getting integrated via remotes::install_github("r4ss/r4ss@c7ecd71b").



Release notes for r4ss version 1.46.1 copied from

This release includes a few significant changes that should make the {r4ss} package easier to use and maintain.
However, it includes some breaking changes with renamed functions names and renamed or deprecated input arguments.

The main changes (also described in are as follows, where details and discussion of the changes are available via the numbered pull requests and issues linked below:

  • Major revamp of all functions that run the Stock Synthesis executable
    • Functions that run the executable have been renamed:
      • run_SS_models() -> run() (now has defaults which allow you to
        simply call run() in the current working directory as well as
        and better support for having the Stock Synthesis executable in
        your path)
      • SS_profile() -> profile()
      • SS_doRetro() -> retro()
      • SS_RunJitter() -> jitter()
      • SS_tune_comps() -> tune_comps()
    • Functions have more consistent inputs (e.g., always dir instead of
      mydirFile, or masterdir, and now defaulting to the current
      working directory)
    • Input show_in_console = FALSE can be used with all these functions
      and will pipe output to a text file keeping R console cleaner while
      models run
  • Deprecates functions that relate to 3.24 models, like
    SS_readdat_3.24() (although SS_output() is still compatible back
    to version 3.24) #718
  • Introduces new "simple_small" example model but removes older
    examples, reducing total package size #700
  • Uses new columns names in BIOLOGY output #711
  • Numerous bug fixes
  • Adds dependency on 'tidyr'
  • Removes never-completed function SSbootstrap()