

Issues with retro and superperiods

Alessandro Orio, modified 3 Years ago.

Issues with retro and superperiods

Youngling Posts: 20 Join Date: 5/13/19 Recent Posts

Hi! I'm trying to run a retro of a quarterly model that has some super periods in the LFDs. The model runs with all the data but when using the SS_doRetro function it fails for each run with years removed by saying "error in length data". If I look at the echoinput file I can see that it fails somewhere in the super periods. Does anyone have an idea where the problem is? I attach here the files. Thanks!

Richard Methot, modified 3 Years ago.

RE: Issues with retro and superperiods

Youngling Posts: 222 Join Date: 11/24/14 Recent Posts


Thanks for taking the first step in diagnosing this issue by looking in echoinput.sso.  We agree that the internal superperiod logic could collide with the retrospective approach.  However, we think it would be quite challenging to create a generic solution.   We'll plan to add a warning to alert users to this situation.  In your case, you will need to manually edit each of the retro data sets to adjust the superperiods.


Alessandro Orio, modified 3 Years ago.

RE: Issues with retro and superperiods

Youngling Posts: 20 Join Date: 5/13/19 Recent Posts

Hi Rick,

Thanks for your reply. Is this a new thing in SS? Because the retro was running fine in a model in SS 3.24 with super periods.



Richard Methot, modified 3 Years ago.

RE: Issues with retro and superperiods

Youngling Posts: 222 Join Date: 11/24/14 Recent Posts

That's an important clue!  So we will put this on the list of bugs and take a look at possible fix.


Richard Methot, modified 3 Years ago.

RE: Issues with retro and superperiods

Youngling Posts: 222 Join Date: 11/24/14 Recent Posts

The model stops because of a new fatal warning that was added to detect erroneous situations with multiple real observations in a superperiod.

With the retroyr, there are zero real obs in the terminal super-years.  However the warning condition was set to <>1, rather than >1, so the model stops.

So, this should be a rather easy fix in the preliminary calcs section of the code. 

We are in the midst of testing the pre-release for 3.30.19.  We should be able to get this  fix into the full release in a couple of weeks and can make it available in the github action sooner.


Alessandro Orio, modified 3 Years ago.

RE: Issues with retro and superperiods

Youngling Posts: 20 Join Date: 5/13/19 Recent Posts

Thank you so much Rick! Please send me the github link when you have the quick fix.


