

Error reading in Report files for profile analysis

Laura Lee, modified 3 Years ago.

Error reading in Report files for profile analysis

Youngling Posts: 95 Join Date: 3/31/16 Recent Posts

Hi all,

I am running a profile on ln(R0) and using the code at as a guide. Everything is working until I try to run the following:

profilemodels <- SSgetoutput(dirvec=mydir, keyvec=1:Nprofile)

When I submit this line, I get the following:

​​​​​​​length(keyvec) as input to SSgetoutput: 21
length(dirvec) as input to SSgetoutput: 1
getting files with key = 1
reading output from C:/SS/mullet2021/final/profile/Report1.sso
Error in 1:ncol(morph_indexing) : argument of length 0

I'm not sure how to move forward and would appreciate any help in diagnosing the issue. Thanks in advance!



Chantel Wetzel, modified 3 Years ago.

RE: Error reading in Report files for profile analysis

Youngling Posts: 32 Join Date: 10/7/15 Recent Posts

Hi Laura,


Can you try to update your r4ss via the following command:


There was a recent change in the Report file that required some updating for the model comparison code.  Hopefully, if  you update r4ss this issue will be resolved but please let us know if it does not.



Laura Lee, modified 3 Years ago.

RE: Error reading in Report files for profile analysis

Youngling Posts: 95 Join Date: 3/31/16 Recent Posts

Thanks so much, Chantel! That seemed to do the trick!!!
