

info on some small but visible changes to r4ss plots

Ian Taylor, modified 3 Years ago.

info on some small but visible changes to r4ss plots

Youngling Posts: 117 Join Date: 12/8/14 Recent Posts

Hi r4ss users,

I just made a variety bunch of little changes to the r4ss code which impacts the plots. A full list is on github with links to code changes:

The most visible differences, the first of which could potentially be an immediate pain or benefit to anyone in the middle of using these things for assessment reports are the following:

- change the default dimensions for all plots to either a little shorter than before (now 4 inches by 6.5 inches vs 5 x 6.5 previously) so that two figures can fit on a single page, or taller (now 6.5 x 6.5). The plots that seemed best suited to the taller format are controlled by a new "pheight_tall" input to the SS_plots() function and the number of panels in the multi-figure plots are increased to fill up the additional space.

- adding an underscore to the "_SS_output*.html" files so they appear before the png files in the directory of plots

- change the order of the composition plots so you don't have to scroll through a bunch of things to see the summary plots showing all the fleets together with comps aggregated across years which I find myself looking for first

If any of this causes problems, some options you could take are to install the version of r4ss immediately prior to these changes via the command remotes::install_github("r4ss/r4ss@d51fd9d"). Or in the case of the plot dimensions, you can go back to the old dimensions by specifying SS_plots(model, pheight = 5, pheight_tall = 5).

As always, please let me know via this forum, email, or github issues if you have questions, comments, or concerns.
