

Converting from kill at age to retained at age

Laura Lee, modified 4 Years ago.

Converting from kill at age to retained at age

Youngling Posts: 95 Join Date: 3/31/16 Recent Posts

Hi all,

I am interesting in getting the retained weight at age used by SS for a fleet that removals were input in numbers. I found the fleet-specific weights at age in the Report file and multiplied by the catch at age in numbers and the sum over ages gives the total kill weight. What am I missing to get the retained weight at age. Any help is appreciated!

Thanks in advance!



Anonymous, modified 4 Years ago.

RE: Converting from kill at age to retained at age

The retained weights at age should be available within AGE_SELEX as Factor = "sel*ret*wt". Factor = "sel*wt" would be the kill weights at age. Those quantities are not reported for every year, but should be reported for any year where there is a change in selectivity or retention or growth (though I haven't confirmed that).

Ian Taylor, modified 4 Years ago.

RE: Converting from kill at age to retained at age

Youngling Posts: 117 Join Date: 12/8/14 Recent Posts

Sorry, forgot to login or sign. That was my comment above. Laura, please comment again on whether that gets you what you're looking for or not. 

Ian Taylor, modified 4 Years ago.

RE: Converting from kill at age to retained at age

Youngling Posts: 117 Join Date: 12/8/14 Recent Posts

Replying a third time after seeing that the VLab email notifications are not yet sorted out well. My original message is repeated below:

The retained weights at age should be available within AGE_SELEX as Factor = "sel*ret*wt". Factor = "sel*wt" would be the kill weights at age. Those quantities are not reported for every year, but should be reported for any year where there is a change in selectivity or retention or growth (though I haven't confirmed that).
Richard Methot, modified 4 Years ago.

RE: Converting from kill at age to retained at age

Youngling Posts: 222 Join Date: 11/24/14 Recent Posts

Actually those values like sel*ret*wt are selectivity times retention times body weight, so are not the weight of the retained fish. I realize that we do not exactly report those quantities you want.

One way to get them is to create a dummy (e.g. nil weighting) observation for body weight-at-age for retained catch of the fleet. SS will then create an expected value for that observation. The only wrinkle is that this expected value will be body weight-at-age', not at true age, because it takes ageing error into account so slightly blurs between ages.

We'll create a SS programming issue to look into reporting this quantity.


Laura Lee, modified 4 Years ago.

RE: Converting from kill at age to retained at age

Youngling Posts: 95 Join Date: 3/31/16 Recent Posts

Thanks everyone for the help!


From: Richard Methot []
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2020 4:26 PM
Subject: [External] [Stock Synthesis - SS usage questions] Converting from kill at age to retained at age


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Actually those values like sel*ret*wt are selectivity times retention times body weight, so are not the weight of the retained fish. I realize that we do not exactly report those quantities you want.

One way to get them is to create a dummy (e.g. nil weighting) observation for body weight-at-age for retained catch of the fleet. SS will then create an expected value for that observation. The only wrinkle is that this expected value will be body weight-at-age', not at true age, because it takes ageing error into account so slightly blurs between ages.

We'll create a SS programming issue to look into reporting this quantity.


Richard Methot Stock Synthesis Virtual Lab Forum