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RE: GOES-16 Hot Spots Help
Dan Bikos, modified 7 Years ago.

RE: GOES-16 Hot Spots Help (Answer)

Youngling Posts: 6 Join Date: 6/2/15

Reply from Jeremy Martin:



I have been testing the script for the past week and it seems to work ok. Sorry for the no frills instructions, but the overall process is pretty simple.  To install the script:


1) Take the attached tar file and as user awips place it in /localapps/dev

2) cd /localapps/dev

3) As user awips  enter this command tar -xvf Fire_Wx.tar

4) cd /localapps/dev/Fire_Wx/scripts

5) There should be two files here : and scan4fire.csh Using your favorite editor open the file.

6)  There are three variables at the top of the file that need to be changed to suit your needs :

             SITEID = 'GLD'   - change this to your CWA

             THRESH = 600.0    - The default temperature from the Fire Temp algorithm to alert for a fire.

             time_THRESH = 45   - This is the number of minutes that have to go by without a detection before a banner is created.  Prevents multiple alarms for same fire.


7) Set up a cron that runs every 5 minutes that runs  scan4fire.csh.   If a new fire is detected you will get a red banner that says 'A potential fire has been detected by GOES-16'


This is a pretty basic script that will need to be updated once the satellite moves or the algorithm is adjusted.  But as a starting point it should do what you want.

