GFE Focal Point Curriculum


Configuration and Management

Good Practices

Page Contents

  1. Testing Under USER-level
  2. Practice Database
  3. Python
  4. Tickets
    1. NCF
    2. VLab/SCP/Redmine Wiki
  5. Other

Testing Under USER-level

  • Whenever making changes to a SITE-level file copy the file to a USER-level file first and then make the changes. Next, test the changes and if everything works properly, you can copy the changes into the SITE-level file.
    • This is especially important when updating Text Formatters.

Practice Database

  • Whenever possible if you are going to be making changes to the database, use practice mode and the practice database first. If everything works in practice mode after making the database changes, then you can make the changes in operational mode to the official/forecast database.


  • When writing new code, break the code up into smaller pieces.
  • Use comments to document your code and any changes made to existing code.
  • Add new code and make modifications to existing code incrementally and then test.
  • When writing code, use logical naming conventions so that other members of your office will be able to understand what the code does.
  • When troubleshooting code, use print statements.
    • In Python 3 be sure to use parentheses around what you want to print (e.g., print ("hi"))
  • Every Python file should have a comment at the beginning of the file describing what the file does and/or is used for.
  • When importing numpy, use import numpy as np.
    • Use np.method (i.e., np.min, np.where, etc.,) to call the various numpy methods.



  • There are two different best practices for creating Trouble Tickets (TTs) with the NCF. There is a best practice for critical issues and for non-critical issues.
  • The critical issue procedure is the following:
    1. Call the NCF at 888-808-8624 .
      • Provide name and site Id.
    2. NCF creates a TT.
    3. NCF provides the requester with a TT number.
  • The non-critical issue procedure is the following:
    1. Call the NCF at 888-808-8624 .
      • Provide name and site Id.
      • Ask for a non-critical TT to be opened with details to follow via email.
    2. NCF creates a TT.
    3. NCF provides the requester with a TT number.
    4. Provide details by filling out this form. When filling out the form, be sure to include screenshots and create as many as possible. Also, provide supporting documentation.
    5. Submit the form.

VLab/SCP/Redmine Wiki

  • The following steps explain the process of how to create a ticket for applications or GFE configurations on the NWS Software Collaboration Portal (SCP):
    1. Go to the application's or GFE configuration's Redmine Wiki NWS Software Collaboration Portal (SCP) page.
    2. Click the Report a problem link under Table of contents on the right side of the page.Report a problem link under Table of contents Example
    3. Search the existing tickets for the application or GFE configuration before opening a new ticket.
    4. Provided there isn't an open ticket for the bug you found or desired new feature, then click either the bug or feature link.                                                                                                                                                                     Report a bug or Request a new feature link example
    5. Type a descriptive subject in the Subject box.
    6. Type a description in the Description box. The description should include all relevant information to help solve this issue by including any steps you have taken to duplicate or try to remedy the issue. The description should also include your office ID and region.
    7. If needed, you can set the Priority from the scroll box.
    8. Leave the Assignee blank.
    9. Leave Target version blank.
    10. If you have screenshots of the problem, upload them using the Choose Files button.
    11. Left-click Create.Create Ticket Dialog Box example for a Bug with the CrGfeTools Application
  • By default you will get email notifications as work on the ticket progresses. After the ticket has been created you can add other people to the ticket as Watchers of the ticket by clicking the ticket (ticket number or Subject) and clicking the Add button on the bottom left side of the screen where it says Watchers (0).


  • GFE Focal Points should create and edit available configuration files using the Localization Perspective.
  • A GFE Focal Point should incorporate new data sets and regional changes when available; read release notes after each install to become familiar with software changes; ensure no specific user has unneeded files or files that may prevent them from using required SITE configuration settings; remove obsolete or unnecessary files from the GFE and GFE Server Folders in the Localization Perspective; and remove obsolete and duplicate entries from configuration files.
  • If you are going to make changes that require GFE Server restarts, make sure you alert the other members of your office on shift with you so that they know it will be happening and have everyone close GFE while you make changes.
    • Find a good time at your office when this will cause the least amount of inconvenience.
    • Then once everything is back up you can let the other members of your office on shift with you know that they can reopen GFE.
  • Whenever you make changes to GFE files, they should be backed up to VLab using Subversion (svn).
Task: Backing up to VLab
This jobsheet demonstrates how to back up files to VLab with the use of Subversion(versioning).
View Jobsheet