AWIPS Fundamentals


D2D Fundamentals

Legend Interaction (AIR)


Legend Interaction

Almost all maps and products - and even many tools - load to the current display pane with a textual resource legend in the lower right corner of the pane.  As referenced in previous lessons, this legend provides a crucial handle for interacting with the resource, such as for changing its display attributes, setting it (if a product) as the time match basis, making one of the resources loaded "Editable", or even unloading it.  A sample of these legends is shown below for a product, map, and tool in D2D:

Examples of legend menus for different resource types in AWIPS, such as for (left to right) products, maps, and editable tools.

AWIPS Interactive Reference (AIR)

Using the AWIPS Interactive Reference (AIR), it is now possible to query the NOAA Virtual Laboratory (VLab) for reference information about a resource using the "Reference on Product" option in the legend pop-up menu, displayed by long right-clicking on a resource legend:
The AWIPS Interactive Reference is launched by selecting the "Reference on Product" option from a resource's legend menu, such as for the Tracking Meteogram tool shown here.

AIR uses the D2D product legend text to formulate a search in the VLab for references that have been specifically registered for use with AIR. The VLab references are scored using an algorithm with complex weights, and the links to the references are provided, ordered by relevance:

The AWIPS Interactive Reference searches for possible matches to a selected resource among available references on NOAA's VLab.  Results are displayed in a web browser, and can be clicked on to show helpful reference information on a product or tool.
The results page, displayed in a web browser, allows you to scan the titles and description using a "Simple" or "Advanced" view.

While this capability is somewhat new, OCLO has developed a large number of forecaster references as quick-reference guides to accompany training, so you can quickly access important information that is easy to forget over time. VLab has been designed to extend AIR registration to all NWS VLab users, and separate training exists for people who would like to contribute  references for private or public use (see this reference page for more).

The jobsheet below will help you to test drive AIR and become familiar with some of the available references types.

Task: Use AIR to search for quick references from the resource legend
This task surveys the use of the AWIPS Interactive Reference feature, used for launching a search for quick reference material from a selected resource legend.
View Jobsheet