Welcome to the FV3GFS VLab Community!



2018 Training

GFDL and EMC held a FV3 training targeted towards technical developers; the goal of this initial training was to focus on the detailed description of the FV3GFS forecast model (dynamic core, solver, and physics) and various utilities, and testing of the FV3GFS for global atmospheric applications. A demo on how to run FV3GFS using the FV3GFS workflow including post processing and verification was also part of the training. The training was conducted at NCWCP/NCEP in College Park, Maryland from Tuesday June 12 through Thursday June 14, 2018.

To see presentations given during the training click here: https://vlab.noaa.gov/web/fv3gfs/training

Documents and Media

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  • How to access the FV3GFS


    Users outside of NOAA will need to obtain a VLab External Partner Account to access EMC repositories hosted on VLab. To get one please have a sponsor from within NCEP (must have noaa.gov email) fill out the external partner account request form within VLab.


    FV3GFS VLab community:

    NOAA users and external partners with VLab access: 1) click "Sign In" on top right of this page, 2) once signed in click on "All Available Communities" in the "My Communities" portlet on the left side, 3) scroll down the list to find the "FV3GFS" community and 4) 
    click "Join" next to the community. Then navigate to the community home page through your "My Communities" list at the top or by this link:
