

WIN10 Cave Fix Enviro Variable Order

Anonymous, modified 8 Years ago.

WIN10 Cave Fix Enviro Variable Order

Tried to post a screen capture, it didnt work. Ill attempt to copy/paste the text in a bit.
Anonymous, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: WIN10 Cave Fix Enviro Variable Order


Here you are, manually typed. Just put the top entries in the Windows Environmental variables in this order.  These are the PATHS

Right click on THIS PC, properties, Advanced system settings, Environmental Variables, double click on PATH in the bottom window.

The entires should be there, just arrange them in this order.

 C:\Program Files\Raytheon\AWIPS II-CAVE\Cave\lib
C:\Program Files\Raytheon\AWIPS II\Cave\lib
C:\Program Files\Raytheon\AWIPS II\Java\jre\bin
C:\Program Files\Raytheon\AWIPS II\Java\jre7\bin
C:\Program Files\Raytheon\AWIPS II\Python\Lib\site-packages\jep
C:\Program Files\Raytheon\AWIPS II\Python\DLLs
C:\Program Files\Raytheon\AWIPS II\Python
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_05\bin

Anonymous, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: WIN10 Cave Fix Enviro Variable Order




That should fix windows 10 issues., Ray



Anonymous, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: WIN10 Cave Fix Enviro Variable Order

In Environmental Variables. Double click on PATH in User Variables or System Variables? 

Can you view Obs with these fixes? I am still experiencing troubles with station plots and surface plots. 

In the Product Browser, I am not able to see anything under the Grid tab. I click the view more arrow and nothing appears. 

Anonymous, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: WIN10 Cave Fix Enviro Variable Order

Actually I can't get any data to display. 

Using Unidata as the Edex.

Anonymous, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: WIN10 Cave Fix Enviro Variable Order

This only applies to the NWS cave. Have to email unidata support for theirs.


Anonymous, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: WIN10 Cave Fix Enviro Variable Order

I'm using the CaveClient from this site just using Unidata's EDEX server to get data. 

Is there another server I could use?

I have copied some of the errors I receive when clicking on different products to display. 

An internal error occurred during: "Product Loader"

An internal error occurred during: "Menu Rebuild Scheduler"

An internal error occurred during: "Initializing"

Paint error: Cloud not find spi file: The resource [METAR Station Locations] has been disabled 

Anonymous, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: WIN10 Cave Fix Enviro Variable Order

The CAVE client from this site only works with the EDEX server from this site. You'll need to set up your own EDEX server, or await Unidata releasing an updated one that works with theirs.
Anonymous, modified 6 Years ago.

RE: WIN10 Cave Fix Enviro Variable Order

Posts: 1

Is this still a valid fix for windows 10?  I had everything plotting including derived, metar, etc for a night and now its giving me derived parameter errors.  Using thin client 18.1

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