
Welcome to the RTMA/URMA VLab community!

The purpose of this community is to facilitate feedback and discussion on the RTMA/URMA system. 

Meeting notes are available under the Google Drive Folder linked above.

To learn more about our next upgrade, see the asset publication below.

Use the System Overview to learn more about the system in general.

Use the forum to ask questions about the system and join the discussion with other users and the development team. 

Note that there are two forums: one for precipitation issues and one for all other variables.

You can post to the precip issues forum by sending an email to qpe.rtma.urma.feedback.vlab@noaa.gov.  For all other issues, you can post by sending an email to rtma.feedback.vlab@noaa.gov.  Please note that you must have a user account to post to the forum.  If you do not have an account, please contact matthew.t.morris@noaa.gov.

We recently added the ability for NWS Regional or WFO personnel to request that stations be removed from the analysis.  To access this, click on the "Station Reject Lists and Requests" tab.

There has been recent interest in knowing exact station locations, especially those of METAR sites.  Our METAR information table is under the "METAR Location Info" tab.

Users may also be interested in the National Blend of Models VLab community.

We appreciate any feedback on how this page or community could be improved.  You can submit such feedback via the above email handle or forum.


What's New

December 2017 Implementation Summary


Overview of upgrade scheduled for December 2017. Note that this was originally scheduled for October 2017, but has been pushed back due to technical issues.




David Barjenbruch, modified 4 Years ago.


Youngling Posts: 15 Join Date: 9/2/14 Recent Posts

Hi all,


Two question regarding MRMS V12 and resultant QPE and training for the NBM. 


We are still seeing relatively large PoP discontinuities in NBM output (attached), and thus wondering when/if we'll be transitioning RTMA/URMA or supplementing MRMS V12 QPE to help fill in gaps in complex terrain/data void areas?  Or, is there an expectation that RFC's will use new MRMS output for Stage IV precip?






Jun Du, modified 4 Years ago.


Youngling Posts: 6 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts

Yes, EMC plans to transfer the stage IV precip analysis (therefore pcpURMA/pcpRTMA) to MRMS QPE  based system. I have started to work on this project. My plan is to have such a system ready to be implemented within FY21.  So hopefully we can move forward to operation in the beginning of FY22?




  • 2011 RTMA Paper (Weather and Forecasting)

    The most recent peer-reviewed paper on the RTMA. Published in Weather and Forecasting in 2011.
    7 Visits
  • Public RTMA/URMA Viewer

    Another viewer of the current RTMA/URMA, with an archive going back 24 hours. This version is open to the public, but does not contain information about the (many) restricted obs used.
    54 Visits
  • RAP downscaling conference preprint (23rd IIPS)

    This link is to a presentation from the (then) RUC group on how the downscaling process works. Although we now use the RAP, HRRR, and NAM, the logic of the downscaling code is mostly unchanged from this point.
    2 Visits