

A Few URMA Questions

Joe Lester, modified 7 Months ago.

A Few URMA Questions

Youngling Posts: 12 Join Date: 6/12/17 Recent Posts

A few questions I was hoping you could answer for me. I'm trying to understand the URMA process a little better. I use this site for viewing which obs are used and which are rejected:  (1) Why are "ob value" and the reported temp often different? This applies to all parameters. (2) Why are so many stations NOT used for wind speeds/gusts? (3) Can I suggest additional stations to use when I don't see them plotted? (4) For our airport (KBIL), the plotted marker and the actual location of the ASOS are in different locations that are about 250' of elevation this causing differences in obs/bg values? I have attached an image w/ my examples. Thanks!

Matthew Morris, modified 7 Months ago.

RE: A Few URMA Questions

Youngling Posts: 158 Join Date: 12/6/17 Recent Posts
Hi Joe,

1) It appears there is a mismatch between the time of the observations and the KML file you are referencing.  October 18, 12:53 PM MDT corresponds to 1853 UTC and the 19Z URMA.  In the KML files, the observation value is listed as 60.89F, consistent with the observation table (61F).  I believe you are looking at the KML file from 19Z on the 17th.

2) Wind speed and gust observations from mesonet providers are rejected, by default, unless the provider or individual station is "trusted".  In the case you've shown, the observation was rejected for failing the gross error check.  The gross error check will reject obs if abs(ob-guess)/oberror is greater than a prescribed maximum ratio (R).  For wind speed, R=8.0 for METARS and R=5.0 for mesonets.  For wind gust, R=5.0 for both METARS and mesonets.

3) Yes, you can suggest these additional stations, and we will see if it is possible to add them.  This would require some coordination and may not be possible for all stations, however.

4) The RTMA is a 2.5 km resolution system, and the values are intended to serve as an average expected value for the grid box.  Therefore, the slight displacement you see likely isn't having a significant impact on the analysis.

Please let us know if you have any other questions.


On Wed, Oct 18, 2023 at 11:19 PM VLab Notifications <> wrote:

A few questions I was hoping you could answer for me. I'm trying to understand the URMA process a little better. I use this site for viewing which obs are used and which are rejected:  (1) Why are "ob value" and the reported temp often different? This applies to all parameters. (2) Why are so many stations NOT used for wind speeds/gusts? (3) Can I suggest additional stations to use when I don't see them plotted? (4) For our airport (KBIL), the plotted marker and the actual location of the ASOS are in different locations that are about 250' of elevation this causing differences in obs/bg values? I have attached an image w/ my examples. Thanks!

Joe Lester RTMA/URMA Discussion Group Virtual Lab Forum

Matthew Morris
5830 University Research Ct., Rm. 2038
College Park, MD 20740