• MDL's staff drive our success!
  • NWS Connect is a web-based application to assist National Weather Service personnel in managing Impact-Based Decision Support Services (IDSS).  IRIS integrates contact management, observation monitoring, impact management and alerting, and the generation of weather reports into a single application to assist NWS forecasters in providing effective IDSS to core partners and manage community engagement.
  • The National Blend of Models (NBM) is a nationally consistent and skillful suite of calibrated forecast guidance based on a blend of both NWS and non-NWS numerical weather prediction model data and post-processed model guidance.
  • The Localized Aviation MOS Program (LAMP) system provides objective probabilistic and deterministic forecast guidance of sensible weather with a focus on guidance for aviation forecasting.  The LAMP forecasts are available at stations in the United States (US). Gridded LAMP guidance for a number of forecast elements, including convection, lightning, ceiling height, and visibility, is also available on a 2.5-km grid covering the contiguous US.
  • Model Output Statistics (MOS) is a type of statistical post-processing, a class of techniques used to improve numerical weather models' ability to forecast by relating model outputs to observational or additional model data.
  • The National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD) is a suite of gridded forecasts of sensible weather elements (e.g., cloud cover, maximum temperature).
  • Storm Surge is a change in normal tide levels caused by winds and atmospheric pressure associated with a storm.
  • The Verification Team of the Digital Forecast Services Division develops and maintains systems to collect and assess the quality of a variety of NWS public and aviation forecasts, including forecasts from the National Digital Forecast Database.
  • Decision Support:  The synthesis, display, and manipulation of data and guidance from various sources to aid the Weather Forecast Offices (WFO), River Forecast Centers and National Centers forecasters and other users in interpreting the wealth of information available at the WFO.
  • The Probabilistic Forecast Visualization effort kicked off in 2017 with the Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) Viewer.
  • The Local Climate Analysis Tool (LCAT) is a web-based interactive statistical tool providing the most recommended data and climate analysis methods for application at regional and local levels.
  • Rip Currents are powerful, channeled currents of water flowing away from shore.


Welcome to the Meteorological Development Laboratory (MDL)! MDL conducts applied research and development for the improvement of diagnostic and prognostic weather information; data depiction and utilization; warning and forecast product preparation and dissemination; forecast evaluation; and impact-based decision support services. Projects involve physical, dynamical, and statistical applications and tools implemented on NWS operational systems. Emphasis is placed on integrated suites of guidance and products for Weather Forecast Offices, River Forecast Centers, and National Centers, and NWS Core Partners.

Latest News

NDFD web services go operational in Web Operations Center

May 08, 2024

NDFD web display