NCEP Common Software (NCEPLIBS)
NCEP Code Libraries (NCEPLIBS) are the shared software code libraries used in the UFS Weather Model and its accompanying coupled components, the UFS Medium-Range Weather application, and the UFS Short-Range Weather Application. NCEPLIBS consists of both libraries developed and maintained in-house at NCEP for the UFS Model, and external (i.e., third-party) libraries used by the UFS Model.
- NCEPLIBS page on Github
- NCEPLIBS Wiki page on Github
- Library source code directories in NCEP Production, maintained by NCEP Central Operations (NCO)
- Documentation of routines in selected libraries (NCO page)
- BUFR library main page
- NCO GRIB2 web page (has links to tar files with the latest version of GRIB2 libraries)
Please refer to the NCEPLIBS page on Github for more details. On this page one can get information on supported computing platforms/compilers, and through a user support forum for build dependency issues.