NCEP Model History Table Overview

Historical List of Joint Numerical Weather Prediction Unit (JNWPU) / National Meteorological Center (NMC) / National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Numerical Analysis and Prediction Systems (1955-present)


NOTE: In compiling this list, there has been no intent to include the many changes to individual models that have occurred through the years; e.g. changes to numerics, physical processes, etc, as well as the multitude of changes that have occurred in producing initial analyses for the numerical models. Here, the intent is to show, in a chronological sense, implementations of distinctively new operational models and, in some instances, dates when forecast length or horizontal/vertical resolution has been increased to satisfy operational requirements. There is an attempt to record dates when models went out of service, generally occurring when a new model was implemented. For more details see the references listed below. Additional information regarding the 'early' years may be found in NMC Office Note 72, by Shuman (1972), entitled 'The Research and Development Program at the National Meteorological Center'.

Listed below the table legend are all numerical analysis and weather/ocean prediction systems going back to the formation of the the JNWPU in 1955. Separate tables are available for GlobalRegional/MesoscaleOcean/Marine, and Hurricane systems.

Dedication: This page is dedicated to its original creator, Dr. Kenneth Campana (1941-2017), long-time employee of EMC's Global Modeling Branch

More Model Table Legend


Abbreviation Definition
still Still running as of 2022
Bye Approximate data of system being renamed or retired
Domain Type:
H Hemispheric
G Global
R Regional
Hu Hurricane
O Ocean
E Ensembles
NAVAER Numerical Weather Prediction, NAVAER 50-1P-541
JNWPUB Joint NWP Unit Bulletins (38 of them from 1955-1967)
TPB: NWS Technical Procedures Bulletin
JAM Journal of Applied Meteorology (AMS Journal)
WAF Weather and Forecasting (AMS Journal)
TIN NWS Technical Information Memo
SCN NWS Service Change Notice
#/dy Number of runs per day


Historical List of JNWPU / NMC / NCEP Numerical Analysis and Prediction Systems (1955-present)


Contact the EMC Webmaster ( for information or questions about these tables.


Some NCEP Production Suite System Operational Implementation Logs (maintained by EMC/NCO):



Special Thanks to current and former members of NMC/NCEP who assisted in compiling the original 1955-2005 table, in alphabetical order: Thomas Black, Lawrence Burroughs, Kenneth Campana, Geoffrey DiMego, Francis Hughes, Robert Kistler, Timothy Marchok, George VanDenberghe, Yuejian Zhu.

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Model Table Legend


Abbreviation Definition
CCPA Climatologically Calibrated Precipitation Analysis
RDAS Regional Data Assimilation System
CFS Climate Forecast System
CMAQ Community Multiscale Air Quality Model
DGEX Downscaled GFS by Eta (or NAM) Extension
Eta or ETA Eta Step-Mountain Coordinate Model
FV3 Finite-Volume Cubed-Sphere Dynamical Core
GDAS Global Data Assimilation System
GFS Global Forecast System
GSM Global Spectral Model
GEFS Global Ensemble Forecast System
GWES Global Wave Ensemble Forecast System
RSM Regional Spectral Model
RTGSST Real-Time Global Sea Surface Temperature Analysis
HIRESW High-Resolution Window Forecast System
HMON Hurricanes in a Multi-scale Ocean-coupled Non-hydrostatic Model
HREF High-Resolution Ensemble Forecast System
HRRR High-Resolution Rapid Refresh
HWRF Hurricane WRF
HYCOM Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model
LFM Limited Fine-Mesh Model
MOM4 GFDL Modular Ocean Model
MWES Multi Wave Ensemble System
NAM North American Mesoscale
RTGSST_HR High-Resolution Global Sea Surface Temperature Analysis
RTMA Real-Time Mesoscale Analysis
NAEFS North American Ensemble Forecast System
NDFD NWS National Digital Forecast Database
NEMS NOAA Environmental Modeling System Framework
NGM Nested Grid Model
NLDAS North American Land Data Assimilation System
NMMB NCEP Nonhydrostatic Multiscale Model on B Grid
NGAC NEMS Global Aerosol Capability
NWPS Nearshore Wave Prediction System
POM Princeton Ocean Model
GSM Global Spectral Model
QLM Quasi-Lagrangian Model
RTMA-RU Rapidly Updated RTMA
RTOFS Real-Time Ocean Forecast System
RUC Rapid Update Cycle
SREF Short-Range Ensemble Forecast System
SWAN Simulating Waves Nearshore Model
URI University of Rhode Island Ocean Model (version of POM)
URMA Unrestricted Real-Time Mesoscale Analysis
WAM-IPE Whole Atmosphere Model-Ionosphere Plasmasphere Electrodynamics Model
WRF Weather Research and Forecast Model
WRF-ARW Advanced Research WRF Model
WRF-NMM WRF Non-Hydrostatic Mesoscale Model
CEFS Canadian Ensemble Forecast System
RAP Rapid Refresh