eib-description - EMC
Engineering and Implementation Branch (EIB)
Mission Statement
To support EMC's mission by developing and maintaining tools, setting design standards for software developed at EMC, leading innovation with newer technologies, working with other EMC branches and groups to develop applications and components, enabling a smooth transition of applications from research to operations, provide support across the different HPC platforms, and explore ways to improve the efficiency of these systems.
Functions include:
- Develop infrastructure for Unified Forecast System (UFS)
- Managing/developing system codes and workflow to support development at EMC, interaction with the wider NWP community, and for NCEP operational implementations
- Repositories and code management
- Developing software tools
- Developing implementation standards in collaboration with NCEP Central Operations and enforcing them in those modeling suite systems maintained by EMC through the Environmental Equivalance process
- Evaluate EMC implementation packages to ensure they adhere to NCEP Central Operations HPC implementation standards
- Improve efficiency of the modeling suites at EMC
- Explore new toolsets / technologies that can be beneficial to developing and/or transitioning systems into operations
- Push to retire / consolidate legacy modeling systems
- Establish standard testing frameworks