Documentation and Support - EMC
EMC online documentation includes information on specific forecasts systems, numerical data, and research publications.
1. Online Documentation on NWS Vlab and GitHub
- Unified Forecast System (a.k.a FV3GFS) on GitHub
- FV3 Dynamic Core Documentation
- Unified Post-Processor Documentation
- NEMS Overview and Documentation
- RTMA/URMA Community
- GSI Analysis Code Community on VLab
2. Other Sources of Documentation
This is a list of various web sites and documents available online which provide detailed information on aspects of the EMC's Guidance Systems.
- Recent EMC Publications
- JNWPU/NMC/NCEP Model History Tables (1955-Present), with links to documentation if available
- FV3 Documentation at GFDL
- NWS Documents at the NOAA Institutional Repository
- Global Forecast System Reference Page (includes history of GFS upgrades since 1980)
- Global Ensemble Forecast System and NAEFS : Implementation Documents, Publications
- Climate Forecast System Version 2 Documentation
- NCEP Model Specification Table (Atmospheric Models only)
- NAM System Description (as of March 2017)
- Chronological List of NCEP Mesoscale system implementations since 1993
- Original NCEP Office Note on EMC Post-Processor (from 2001)
- Mesoscale Systems (mostly NAM) FAQ page
- EMC Hourly/6-Hourly Precipitation Analysis Page
- SREF References/Documents
- HRRR Main Page at GSL/ESRL
- RAP Main Page at GSL/ESRL
- NCEP Air Quality Model Reports
- Global RTOFS
- Marine Modeling / Analysis Systems ; comprehensive list of documents since 1987
- EMC Model Evaluation Group