#V3.30.16.02;_2020_09_21;_safe;_Stock_Synthesis_by_Richard_Methot_(NOAA)_using_ADMB_12.2 #Stock Synthesis (SS) is a work of the U.S. Government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. #Foreign copyrights may apply. See copyright.txt for more information. #_user_support_available_at:NMFS.Stock.Synthesis@noaa.gov #_user_info_available_at:https://vlab.ncep.noaa.gov/group/stock-synthesis #C American Eel 2021 base_dat.ss base_ctl.ss 0 # 0=use init values in control file; 1=use ss.par 1 # run display detail (0,1,2) 1 # detailed output (0=minimal for data-limited, 1=high, 2=brief) 0 # write 1st iteration details to echoinput.sso file (0,1) 0 # write parm values to ParmTrace.sso (0=no,1=good,active; 2=good,all; 3=every_iter,all_parms; 4=every,active) 1 # write to cumreport.sso (0=no,1=like×eries; 2=add survey fits) 1 # Include prior_like for non-estimated parameters (0,1) 1 # Use Soft Boundaries to aid convergence (0,1) (recommended) 1 # Number of datafiles to produce: 1st is input, 2nd is estimates, 3rd and higher are bootstrap 20 # Turn off estimation for parameters entering after this phase 0 # MCeval burn interval 1 # MCeval thin interval 0 # jitter initial parm value by this fraction -1 # min yr for sdreport outputs (-1 for styr) -1 # max yr for sdreport outputs (-1 for endyr; -2 for endyr+Nforecastyrs 0 # N individual STD years #vector of year values 0.0001 # final convergence criteria (e.g. 1.0e-04) 0 # retrospective year relative to end year (e.g. -4) 0 # min age for calc of summary biomass 2 # Depletion basis: denom is: 0=skip; 1=rel X*B0; 2=rel X*Bmsy; 3=rel X*B_styr 1 # Fraction (X) for Depletion denominator (e.g. 0.4) 4 # SPR_report_basis: 0=skip; 1=(1-SPR)/(1-SPR_tgt); 2=(1-SPR)/(1-SPR_MSY); 3=(1-SPR)/(1-SPR_Btarget); 4=rawSPR 4 # F_report_units: 0=skip; 1=exploitation(Bio); 2=exploitation(Num); 3=sum(Frates); 4=true F for range of ages 1 18 #COND 10 15 #_min and max age over which average F will be calculated with F_reporting=4 0 # F_report_basis: 0=raw_F_report; 1=F/Fspr; 2=F/Fmsy ; 3=F/Fbtgt 0.08 # MCMC output detail: integer part (0=default; 1=adds obj func components); and decimal part (added to SR_LN(R0) on first call to mcmc) 0 # ALK tolerance (example 0.0001) 3.30 # check value for end of file and for version control