#V3.30.15.00-trans;_2020_03_26;_Stock_Synthesis_by_Richard_Methot_(NOAA)_using_ADMB_12.0 #Stock Synthesis (SS) is a work of the U.S. Government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. #Foreign copyrights may apply. See copyright.txt for more information. # for all year entries except rebuilder; enter either: actual year, -999 for styr, 0 for endyr, neg number for rel. endyr 1 # Benchmarks: 0=skip; 1=calc F_spr,F_btgt,F_msy; 2=calc F_spr,F0.1,F_msy 2 # MSY: 1= set to F(SPR); 2=calc F(MSY); 3=set to F(Btgt) or F0.1; 4=set to F(endyr) 0.4 # SPR target (e.g. 0.40) 0.4 # Biomass target (e.g. 0.40) #_Bmark_years: beg_bio, end_bio, beg_selex, end_selex, beg_relF, end_relF, beg_recr_dist, end_recr_dist, beg_SRparm, end_SRparm (enter actual year, or values of 0 or -integer to be rel. endyr) 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 1950 2018 1950 2018 2 #Bmark_relF_Basis: 1 = use year range; 2 = set relF same as forecast below # 2 # Forecast: -1=none; 0=simple_1yr; 1=F(SPR); 2=F(MSY) 3=F(Btgt) or F0.1; 4=Ave F (uses first-last relF yrs); 5=input annual F scalar # where none and simple require no input after this line; simple sets forecast F same as end year F 10 # N forecast years 0.2 # Fmult (only used for Do_Forecast==5) such that apical_F(f)=Fmult*relF(f) #_Fcast_years: beg_selex, end_selex, beg_relF, end_relF, beg_mean recruits, end_recruits (enter actual year, or values of 0 or -integer to be rel. endyr) 2018 2018 0 0 -999 0 0 # Forecast selectivity (0=fcast selex is mean from year range; 1=fcast selectivity from annual time-vary parms) 0 # Control rule method (1: ramp does catch=f(SSB), buffer on F; 2: ramp does F=f(SSB), buffer on F; 3: ramp does catch=f(SSB), buffer on catch; 4: ramp does F=f(SSB), buffer on catch) 0.4 # Control rule Biomass level for constant F (as frac of Bzero, e.g. 0.40); (Must be > the no F level below) 0.1 # Control rule Biomass level for no F (as frac of Bzero, e.g. 0.10) 0.75 # Buffer: enter Control rule target as fraction of Flimit (e.g. 0.75), negative value invokes list of [year, scalar] with filling from year to YrMax 3 #_N forecast loops (1=OFL only; 2=ABC; 3=get F from forecast ABC catch with allocations applied) 3 #_First forecast loop with stochastic recruitment 0 #_Forecast recruitment: 0= spawn_recr; 1=value*spawn_recr_fxn; 2=value*VirginRecr; 3=recent mean from yr range above (need to set phase to -1 in control to get constant recruitment in MCMC) 1 # value is ignored 0 #_Forecast loop control #5 (reserved for future bells&whistles) 2500 #FirstYear for caps and allocations (should be after years with fixed inputs) 0 # stddev of log(realized catch/target catch) in forecast (set value>0.0 to cause active impl_error) 0 # Do West Coast gfish rebuilder output (0/1) 1999 # Rebuilder: first year catch could have been set to zero (Ydecl)(-1 to set to 1999) 2019 # Rebuilder: year for current age structure (Yinit) (-1 to set to endyear+1) 1 # fleet relative F: 1=use first-last alloc year; 2=read seas, fleet, alloc list below # Note that fleet allocation is used directly as average F if Do_Forecast=4 2 # basis for fcast catch tuning and for fcast catch caps and allocation (2=deadbio; 3=retainbio; 5=deadnum; 6=retainnum); NOTE: same units for all fleets # Conditional input if relative F choice = 2 # enter list of: season, fleet, relF; if used, terminate with season=-9999 # 1 1 1 # -9999 0 0 # terminator for list of relF # enter list of: fleet number, max annual catch for fleets with a max; terminate with fleet=-9999 -9999 -1 # enter list of area ID and max annual catch; terminate with area=-9999 -9999 -1 # enter list of fleet number and allocation group assignment, if any; terminate with fleet=-9999 -9999 -1 #_if N allocation groups >0, list year, allocation fraction for each group # list sequentially because read values fill to end of N forecast # terminate with -9999 in year field # no allocation groups 2 # basis for input Fcast catch: -1=read basis with each obs; 2=dead catch; 3=retained catch; 99=input apical_F; NOTE: bio vs num based on fleet's catchunits #enter list of Fcast catches or Fa; terminate with line having year=-9999 #_Yr Seas Fleet Catch(or_F) -9999 1 1 0 # 999 # verify end of input