

RE: Geospatial Technology’s Role In Focused Service Equity Success - May VLab Forum

John Schattel, modified 2 Months ago.

Geospatial Technology’s Role In Focused Service Equity Success - May VLab Forum

Youngling Posts: 533 Join Date: 11/21/11 Recent Posts

VLab Forum Members,

The May 2024 VLab Forum will occur on the 30th at 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM (Eastern Time).  The talk features a presentation by Matthew Beitscher titled "Geospatial Technology’s Role In Focused Service Equity Success".  We hope you can attend.

To participate in the forum, please register for the webinar.


Aligning our operations and services to more equitably perform the National Weather Service's mission requires a wholesale change in the way we interact with and understand our partners and the public. One of the first steps in this paradigm shift is learning about the unique vulnerabilities our communities face, especially those in underserved and vulnerable populations (UVPs). However, with such complicated and interconnected vulnerabilities, offices sometimes don't know where, or how, to start.

This presentation will focus on the integration of geospatial technology to bridge the way for our agency to take its journey into service equity. One tool in particular, the NWS Social Vulnerability Impact Assessment Tool, will be deployed to allow offices to geospatially track interactions with a social vulnerability lens. The tool will not only serve as a record of where we've been, but allow for better planning and allocation of resources to communities that need our interactions most.


You can find the agenda for the Forum at the following link:

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John Schattel, modified 1 Month ago.

RE: Geospatial Technology’s Role In Focused Service Equity Success - May VLab Forum

Youngling Posts: 533 Join Date: 11/21/11 Recent Posts

VLab Forum Members,

Just a quick reminder that the May 2024 VLab Forum will occur on the 30th at 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM (Eastern Time).  The talk features a presentation by Matthew Beitscher titled "Geospatial Technology’s Role In Focused Service Equity Success".  We hope you can attend.

To participate in the forum, please register for the webinar.


Aligning our operations and services to more equitably perform the National Weather Service's mission requires a wholesale change in the way we interact with and understand our partners and the public. One of the first steps in this paradigm shift is learning about the unique vulnerabilities our communities face, especially those in underserved and vulnerable populations (UVPs). However, with such complicated and interconnected vulnerabilities, offices sometimes don't know where, or how, to start.

This presentation will focus on the integration of geospatial technology to bridge the way for our agency to take its journey into service equity. One tool in particular, the NWS Social Vulnerability Impact Assessment Tool, will be deployed to allow offices to geospatially track interactions with a social vulnerability lens. The tool will not only serve as a record of where we've been, but allow for better planning and allocation of resources to communities that need our interactions most.


You can find the agenda for the Forum at the following link:

Presentation Slides:

You can find a link to the slides for the Forum on the following page:

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John Schattel, modified 1 Month ago.

RE: Geospatial Technology’s Role In Focused Service Equity Success - May VLab Forum

Youngling Posts: 533 Join Date: 11/21/11 Recent Posts

VLab Forum Members,

Just a quick reminder that the May 2024 VLab Forum will occur today, the 30th, at 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM (Eastern Time).  The talk features a presentation by Matthew Beitscher titled "Geospatial Technology’s Role In Focused Service Equity Success".  We hope you can attend.

To participate in the forum, please register for the webinar.


Aligning our operations and services to more equitably perform the National Weather Service's mission requires a wholesale change in the way we interact with and understand our partners and the public. One of the first steps in this paradigm shift is learning about the unique vulnerabilities our communities face, especially those in underserved and vulnerable populations (UVPs). However, with such complicated and interconnected vulnerabilities, offices sometimes don't know where, or how, to start.

This presentation will focus on the integration of geospatial technology to bridge the way for our agency to take its journey into service equity. One tool in particular, the NWS Social Vulnerability Impact Assessment Tool, will be deployed to allow offices to geospatially track interactions with a social vulnerability lens. The tool will not only serve as a record of where we've been, but allow for better planning and allocation of resources to communities that need our interactions most.


You can find the agenda for the Forum at the following link:

Presentation Slides:

You can find a link to the slides for the Forum on the following page:

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To add this VLab Forum meeting to your calendar, please click on the following button.

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John Schattel, modified 1 Month ago.

RE: Geospatial Technology’s Role In Focused Service Equity Success - May VLab Forum

Youngling Posts: 533 Join Date: 11/21/11 Recent Posts

VLab Forum Members,

For those of you who were unable to attend today's VLab Forum, I have posted a recording of the talk titled "Geospatial Technology’s Role In Focused Service Equity Success" to the following VLab page. Feel free to watch it at your convenience or share it with your co-workers.

VLab Forum talks and their recordings